Chapter 4-Meeting the Girls

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Alexis's P.O.V.

I pried my eyes open tiredly.I sighed as I felt my back bones slightly cracking as I streched.I turned my head to look at my clock.My black clock read '9:05am Saturday July 28,2012'

Why is it so early? Better question,how did I wake up by myself so early? I shook my head and got up from my warm bed.Shivering I walked up to my new closet and grabbed some sweat pants and slipped out of the shorts I slept in.Putting on my socks I stood up and opened my door to be met with the amazing smell of sizzling bacon.

The smell became better as I hopped down the stairs.When I walked into the big kitchen and saw Harry cooking and Liam reading the newspaper.

I walked to the stove and stood next to Harry looking at the food. "Morning,Alexis." Harry greeted me.Liam look away from the paper and smiled at me. "Good Morning,love." I smiled back.

"Morning." I walked towards the table and sat down next to Liam.

"Whatcha readin'?" I asked.He once again looked away from the article. "I am reading about what people thought about our last tour." I looked at him confused.


"Oh,you probably don't know who we are.Me and the rest of the boys are in a boyband." He explained.

"So you sing?" He nodded. "Do you play instruments?"

"Well Niall can plays the guitar but we don't usually play them on stage." I nodded understandingly.

"Hey,love do you want to help me with breakfast?" Harry butted in.I shrugged and got up. "Can you get the eggs out of the fridge?" I opened the fridge door and looked around for the carton of eggs.

Finally finding them,I grasped the carton and set them on the counter. "Do you know how crack one?" Instead of nodding I took an egg and cracked it perfectly on the pan.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled.

For the next five minutes me and 'Chef Harry'(That's what he made me call him) finished making breakfast before he told me to go wake the other boys.

I was about to knock on Zayns door,but it opened and revealed a dressed and fresh looking Zayn.

"Morning." I sqeaked.He gave me a smile and mumbled a good morning.I then walked a foot to Nialls bedroom.Slowly opening the door I mentaly 'awww'ed at the adorable irish boy in the bed.

I slowly made my way to his bed and poked his face.


Then I slapped him.


Then I thought about last nights dinner. "Niall breakfast is ready." He shot out of bed,running out of the room screaming "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!" At the top of his lungs.I almost died from laughter when I heard Liam scold Niall saying "Niall shut up! We all have working ears right now!!"

Giggling I left the room and went to Louis'.When I walked in Louis was also dressed and ready but on the phone.He put his finger up to his lip signaling me to stay quiet.

I slowly nodded and backed out of the room,but not before hearing him say "Huh?...Yeah I'm still hear Eleanor so..." I wonder who's Eleanor? I shrugged and kept walking down the stairs.

"Where's Louis?" Zayn asked. "On the phone." I simply answered.He nodded and got back to his food.As soon as I sat down Louis came into the kitchen.

"GOOD MORNING!!!" He yelled.I brightly smiled as he sat down and we all ate breakfast.


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