The Ever Oppressor's Dystopia

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Author's Note: I mean no disrespect by this poem. This is my personal feelings and personal philosophy on life. Which is what poetry is it is above all personal. You have to write for your self. I believe this quote expresses that idea very well  "Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does." — Allen Ginsberg. 

I have had many a trial in this life.

 I have seen first hand the handy work of our poor races Oppressor and his helpers.

 The God who proclaims his self "for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God"

His well being must come first after all he is our "protector" 

 I have read his word and listened to his people

And all I found was that my will and soul belong to me 

and I may do with them and believe with them whatever

 I wish. 

I found my true meaning and religion in life. 

If I am wrong so be it.

 I do not believe in such a vain and human god.I would rather go to Hell free then to Heaven a slave.

 I found my faith in that it is ignorant to say humans know anything.   

Robin LamentWhere stories live. Discover now