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March 5th:
As I was doing my starter of the day, I see saw Tala walk in. She sat by me! "Hey Tala," I said. "Hi Tae!" She looked so happy but what was wrong with her? "Tae, Jungkook has this party and I want you to come! Please, pretty please!" She begged me but I denied, why was I so stupid? "I have homework and homecoming to get ready for, you know I'm part of the staff." I told her. "Please, you can do that next year!" Tala and I are in our SENIOR year! "Tala, you dumb butt, we're SENIORS!" I told her, we both laughed. I would do anything to hear that again!

March 10th:
"Please, reconsider!" "No Tala, I made my choice. I have to plan what the homecoming theme with be this year." "Please!" "How about we go for ice cream in the morning before the party? Yeah!" I remember, her nodding was so adorable! After that we went to the park, I pushed her on the swings and played around with some little kids. It was her idea to go to the park, she knew how much I loved kids! When all the kids left we did too, I took her home and said my goodbyes. It was so fun!

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