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As I stood there in the mirror, I thought quietly to myself. I thought about leaving this town behind and starting new somewhere else, running away from it all. I was doing just that, not the running away part, but leaving this dead-end town where there are no opportunities for me. I've had some jobs here, but they were only temporary while I studied at school. I turn around and look at my now empty room, my whole life packed away in boxes and suitcases. I smile to myself and think about this new adventure that I'm taking part in. Not only was I moving from this small England town, I was leaving the UK. Going to a much more sunny and warm place. America. California to be exact. I never thought about going to a different country for university, but one day, I was scrolling through Facebook and an advert for UCLA popped up, I took that as a sign of some sort. "Get out of here" said the voice that appeared in my head, "Make something of yourself." I trusted my head and looked further into it, I applied and a couple months later an email arrived in my inbox inviting me for a Skype interview with the admissions board. When my acceptance letter came through my heart felt like it was about to explode. I dropped to my knees and cried until my Mum got in and thought that I'd been rejected. We stayed up all night looking at flights before the first semester kicked off. And now as I stand here, I have no time before I leave for the airport to begin my journey. My mum calls for me to leave. I grab my suitcases, walk out my room and don't look back. My name is Theo Oakwood and I have nothing left to lose.

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