Where dreams go to die

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Wow! I didn't upload in a long time. This was sitting on my computer, so I thought I would share it. I don't know if anyone still reads this or is going to... But here you go. Who knows, maybe this one will be the one I finish. -maggie


First there was darkness. An all consuming, thick darkness. I thought I would choke on it. I couldn't breathe--much less see anything.

It looked like I was in some sort of dark cave. I walked over to the walls and felt that they were damp and cold. Somewhere in the distance, I heard the faint drip drip of water as it slid down the walls into a puddle. It was cold in this cave and I saw my breath as it came out in short puffs of smoke. Where the hell was I? And how did I get here? For a moment I even forgot who I was. But then I remembered my name. Addie.

"Hello?" I called out to nobody.

I didn't know which way I should go to try to escape this tunnel. I choose the left and tried not to slip and fall. I lightly patted my head and felt my hair sticking to it in clumps. It was probably sweat. Gross. I went to smooth it down to put it up in a pony tail and found that my hand came back slick and wet. I could barely see anything, let alone my hand in this complete, utter darkness. I put it up to my nostrils and found that it had a strange, distinct odor to it. It smelled like copper pennies, like batteries, like--blood. Did I trip and hit my head or something? Is that why my memory was in chunks? Maybe I gave myself a concussion. From up above a small hole above me leaked in sunlight. I looked down and saw that I was wearing a long, billowing white dress that was ripped at the hem and caked in layers of mud. Looking at this my stomach started to cramp. This didn't feel right to me. I couldn't remember what I was wearing last but something in my gut told me that it wasn't this dress.

Then from out of nowhere my head starts to ache like nothing I have ever felt in my entire life. It brings me to my knees and I collapse on the cold, hard ground. I open my mouth to scream in agony but stop when I see a boy with a lantern standing in front of me, rubbing his temples and scowling.

"Could you not scream liked a damn banshee? I've got a killer headache and you're not making it any better."

I scramble to the corner as far as I can to put as much distance as possible between us. I probably look pathetic in my dirty dress, cowering in fear over a boy my age. My body starts to shake and I have no idea why. My heart starts to race and I feel like I might pass out any second from the lack of oxygen. I claw at my throat, gasping and writhing like a fish out of water.

"Sorry. I seem to have that effect on people."

He gives me a hand to help me up and I grasp it. It feels warm and safe and strong. I see his face better now that I am closer to the light. He has curly brown hair and bright blue eyes. He looks around my age but he carries himself in a way that makes him seem older than he really is. He is also very muscular and I must have been staring for too long because he coughs and Iooks down quickly,making my face burn bright with embarrassment.

"What is this place?" I ask, looking up at the dark ceiling.

"Crap," He mutters to himself.

"You don't remember anything that has happened to you? Nothing at all?"

I try to think back, but my memories are still in big chunks. I can barely remember anything, to be honest. Its like they are trapped in a smoky haze and its too hard for me to see them.

"I don't even know how I got here." I tell him while twirling the fabric of my dress between my fingers.

"Listen, Kid. What I say to you might not make sense. You might try to runaway or kick me where it counts...It has all happened before. But what I say to you is true. And I am sorry that it has happened to you and what not but it happened and nothing can change the fact that you are very much dead."

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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