A final word

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So, a few things I have to say about that oneshot:

Firstly, thank you for reading it! It makes me feel so good and special when people enjoy my work! And the only way for that to happen is via you guys. So a massive thanks to you!

Alright, so now a few things.

I hope I made it clear in the end, but if not, here's a brief summary of the idea of the ending; Jake and Rich grew up, got married, adopted kids- they had a life together. Now Rich is old, like around eighty, and dying. Jake has already passed away, and Rich is awaiting the moment when he can be reunited with Jake in the afterlife. (And yes, they do get reunited in the afterlife- and it works similarly to
StarClan, So Jake and Rich are like twenty)

Now, the idea of this oneshot- how it came about.

I saw a book, didn't read it but I just simply saw it, on Wattpad entitled "Letters To No One".

The name was so poetic that it sparked something in me.

Now, I haven't actually read that book, but the name sparked this idea. I thought, "What If Rich started writing letters to describe how he felt?"

I immediately ruled out him writing to a diary, since I knew that Rich would not do that. His friends and family were out, too.

Then I thought, "How about something in nature? Something that would see everything!"

Almost instantly, I thought, "The Sky"

I then added in him addressing it to the clouds and the "endless horizons" too, so it wasn't just to the sky.

It was quite easy to then centre the story around these letters. I know we only hear three of these letters, but I can assure you that the rest were just as horrible... at least until he got with Jake.

From then on his letters would have been more positive.

But back to the story stuff.

How hard it was to delay Jake finding the letters to extend the oneshot out More was horrifying.

I had to go back and edit, adding parts to earlier lines to make the plot draw out a little more.

But, it was all worth it in the end, and it was in good fun!

Well, I hope you all find the strength and courage to write your own stories one day!

Happy reading!


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