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She ran. Her fathers large cold hands griping on to her hot clammy ones. She didn't know why they were running, all she knew is that she couldn't stop. She tripped on the wet pavement and gashed her knee.

" MELODY " her father yelled in agony.

She began to scramble to her feet only to be pushed down once agian by the forceing hand of another man. She tried to look at the face of her foe, but the mask on his face made him or her unrecognizable. Although she was able to make out their dark hazel eyes and the strip of Burnett hair hanging out from the corner of his mask.

She continued to kick and sqaull, but the task was impossible. With one hand pinning down her head and one hand holding her against the ground, she began to weep.

The man in the mask seemed to snicker, he had exactly what he wanted. Melodys father remained unresponsive. Cold drops of sweat began forming in his brow. He didn't know what to do, say.

" empty your pockets " said the man in the mask. He began adding more pressure to the small girls head.

Her father stood there. Cold as ice. Scared that if he moved, that move would be his last. The man in the mask became impatient. He pulled the gun from his sling and held the barrel next to her head. All of a sudden, her crying stopped.

" I SAID EMPTY YOUR GOD DAMN POCKETS GREY " he yelled as he coked the trigger.

This startled the man. All at once he pulled out a pocket knife, wallet, a baby picture of melody with his wife. He stopped suddenly. He looked into the young eyes of his wife, and the young still shut eyes of his baby girl. He then regained focus and dropped these things on the ground.

" you know what it is that we want grey", said the man, " open your eyes. You've lost."

He looked at the man, then his daughter, then the man, then his daughter.

" i'v been running for 10 years " said Grey.

" I know " said the masked man, placing his finger apon the trigger.

" I can wait a little longer " said Grey. Suddenly he began to run towards his daughter when the gun was suddenly fired. Melody heard a scream through the echoing of her ears. She didn't know if it belonged to her or her dad. She closed her eyes and brought her hand beside her head expecting to see blood. But there was none. She got up and looked around.....

Only to see that the man in the mask was gone and her fathers dead body on the pavement.

A Different Tyep of SimilarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang