Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Tabitha’s POV

                I had no idea why we were going on a walk. We were walking down the road and it was cold out. I didn’t even think about bringing a jacket. We went past the creek ad I had to shut my eyes. I could never go near another creek again. “Tabitha, you know your mom and dad loves you right?” Grandma said.

                “Which mom…” I sighed as I put my hands in my pockets.

                “Juliet.” She said. “I know there is a little awkwardness now that you have to change up your lifestyle. Like when you introduce Bruce to someone you have to say half-brother and things like that.” She said as she slowly walked.

                “Juliet treats me like I’m her flesh and blood and I will never stop calling her mom. I don’t remember Nikki and she doesn’t sound nice.” I said.

                “When you were a little baby and Bruce wasn’t even a thought yet, your father used to have night terrors, they were all a cause of being a split second too late. Normally you were the key to stop them at night.” She said. I never knew that about Dad.

                “Why me?” I asked.

                “In his dreams, from what I can recall, you were always in danger. He would run as fast as he could to save you but he was a split second too late. Then Juliet would wake him up and she would already have you and she would hand you over to him and he would fall back asleep with anymore terrors.” She said.

                “That really happened?” I asked, shocked.

                “Many times actually.” She said as she looked up at the sky. “When your dad broke up with Nikki because she was making out with a random guy at his concert he slapped her across the face and she could have been pregnant already. That killed him inside, it made him feel like he was hitting you.” She said.

                “Dad never talks about this kind of stuff.” I said as I looked at the ground.

                “He doesn’t like to talk about things that upset him too often.” She sighed. “Trying to talk to him about why he is upset or why he is angry is like trying to get information from a criminal.” She said looking over at me.

                “Never think your father doesn’t care because he couldn’t tell you something that was significant as that Nikki situation. He was scared of your reaction.” She said making a face of thought once again. I knew there was something else there.

                We turned around and went home and really talked about life although I did not mention about Vanessa and the bullying. I don’t think she knew yet but who knows? We returned home and Andy was helping grandpa set up the Christmas tree. Juliet and Grandma got the ornaments from the closet and I put the lights on the tree. Soon I was done with the lights and we soon got started hanging ornaments.

                Some of the ornaments were really cute. Some were really old, when Dad was a baby. He hung those on the tree though. I would always look over at Dad a bit, it just shocked me to think that he used to have night terrors. He seems like a guy that would fight anyone- not a guy who would get nightmares about his daughter.

                We hung up all types of ornaments till it was colorful and fun. Then lastly, Dad held Bruce up and he put the star on the tree. The tree was complete. Then Mom got out the camera and set it on a tripod and we all stood in front of the tree. She set a count down and she ran back over next to Dad and we got the photo. Everyone looked so happy- even me.

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