Too Much (Taylex)

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It was sad to think that, at one point in time, people talked about zombies and the apocalypse as a joke or for their own amusement. It was even sadder that one of those people was one of the only remaining humans in his area.

Zombies fascinated Alex before the apocalypse; the thought of an apocalypse almost sounded appealing to him, but now it was just repulsive. He could easily recall himself in the past, imagining that he would be a sexy zombie slayer, with big muscles and a bandana around his head. He would imagine that he could easily kill the living dead, with a hot girlfriend by his side (Preferably someone who looked similar to Megan Fox). However, killing zombies wasn't that simple, and the closest thing he had to a girlfriend was Lisa.

It wasn't that he didn't like Lisa, because he honestly loved her. It was just that the longer that they were stuck together by themselves, doing everything they could to stay alive, the more he would start to grow apart from her. They didn't really do anything to show their love for each other anymore; they were just, together.

Alex was trying to make it work, too. Not that long ago, he had set up a wonderful, romantic date for Lisa. He lit some candles, cooked them a nice meal, cleaned himself up a bit, and he even sang her a song. It was the first time he had sang in ages.

They both had fun, but as soon as it ended, they went back to doing exactly what they had been doing since the apocalypse began. It was the opposite of what a couple should act like; they were almost ignoring each other.

He hated to think it, but he knew that if he had someone else to go to and stay with instead of Lisa, he would. Like Jack, for example. He hated to think about Jack, though, especially since he witnessed Jack's death. He was attacked by four zombies at once, and Alex could easily remember every detail of that day as if it happened yesterday, even though he knew it was exactly 139 days ago. He knew how long ago that was, but he still didn't know what day or month they were in anymore.

"We're running out of food," Lisa spoke, breaking Alex from his racing thoughts. He blinked a few times before looking at the girl a few feet away from him, taking a deep breath before responding, "I guess I'll just have to make a trip, then."

Alex knew that he had looked pretty bad since the apocalypse began, but Lisa looked absolutely terrible. She almost looked like she was ill, but Alex knew she was just exhausted. She never slept anymore, and neither did he; they couldn't.

"Want me to go with you?" Lisa asked in a tired tone, so tired that it sounded like she didn't even want to join him. He didn't blame her, though. He hated taking trips downtown. It was dangerous, and sometimes a waste of time. They'd been staying in the same area for so long that the stores they took food from were running low. That thought scared Alex. What if they ran out?

"No." Alex spoke blankly, glancing up at Lisa before standing up and getting ready to leave.

He couldn't just go and get food; he had to be prepared for the worst. He carried a backpack with him to carry the food back when he was done, but he also carried a knife, gun, and bullets inside the backpack. Downtown always had a lot of zombies, and it was the only place where food was somewhat available.

Without even saying goodbye, Alex left their "home," and made his way toward downtown, a sinking feeling in his stomach. Something didn't feel quite right, but he wasn't sure what exactly was wrong.

He was wearing a dirty, white t shirt, the only pair of skinny jeans he had left, a pair of old, worn out Vans, and some sunglasses. He didn't have many clothes left. In the past, Lisa and Alex would occasionally go and get new clothes downtown. Now, they just didn't care.

Arriving downtown after walking for about 15 minutes, Alex first went to an old gas station, getting some water bottles and a few bags of chips. It was basically the only food and drink left in that gas station, and Alex knew because he had been rummaging through it for about 15 minutes.

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