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Logan woke up the next morning refreshed, his eyes no longer puffy and red from the night before. He hopped out of bed and threw on his nicest detective outfit, consisting of his black jeans, a white dress shirt, and his long black trench that he had convinced Penny to buy for him.

"I need to look exactly like Sherlock Holmes," Logan had pleaded to Penny when they bought it.

He did look like Sherlock, and it made him feel even more spectacular than he was already feeling.

It was a Thursday, but there wasn't any school due to some recent incident with a teacher or something. Like anyone at the school actually cared to notice. This meant that, since Logan's parents still worked today, Penny and Logan could work on the case. With Kasey, too, which excited Logan even more.

He dumped all of the contents of his school backpack on the floor and brushed them under his bed with his foot. His heart pounding and his hands trembling from excitement, he did a little happy dance, spinning in a circle and jabbing the ON button of his radio. His favorite CD was already in there, and as soon as Panic! At The Disco started to play, he felt even better than he already had.

Rummaging through his room, he found his yellow case notebook still in his red sweatshirt pocket. He also snatched up his camera (also something that Penny had given him, instead of his parents), shoving both of them in his bag.

He only brought a few more things with him; another bottle of Gatorade (with a twisty-straw), two five dollar bills, a Granola bar, and his glasses.

He hated his glasses. It was the one thing his parents did get for him, and while most kids would be happy to receive a gift from their parents, Logan wanted to stay as far away from them as possible. They weren't the absolute worst to deal with, since he was only slightly nearsighted and only wore them when he needed to observe something from far away.

Like today. He needed to look into Ryder's bedroom from ground level, which would prove to be very difficult without his glasses.

He really did feel like Sherlock Holmes. There was a slight bounce to his feet, and it felt fantastic, especially in his swaying trench coat. This was it. He, Penny, and Kasey would head down to the Hemingway residence to examine something that Logan had discovered the other day.

When everything was all packed and ready, he flung the bag over his shoulder and swung his bedroom door open, ready to seize the day.

"I'm so proud of you for taking up such an important case, Teacup. You really are incredible, you know that?"

Kasey was apparently just as excited for the investigation as Logan was. He was ecstatic that she was getting into it too, since he needed her photographic memory for memorizing the scenes. He brought his own camera, but it was easier to have Kasey rattle off facts and names.

They reached the Hemingway residence in eleven minutes and three seconds, which was a lot less time than it took the other day.

To make him feel even more important, Kasey even let Logan sit in the front seat and borrow her sunglasses. He felt like a real detective, with his two trusty Watsons at his side, ready to help him solve his case.

Logan nearly somersaulted out of the car, but he caught himself in time, almost tripping over his trench coat as well.

"Just don't flash people," Penny had warned him jokingly when he had shown her his coat. "We don't need another flasher in this town."

Apparently Kasey knew three flashers in the Five Circles Area, which made Logan feel extremely uncomfortable with the fact that he could just be flashed by anyone at literally any time.

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