[1] W177

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"I'm serious Allie, I don't want to go there. I'm too tired and I want to sleep." I glare at one my friends who's currently dragging me to the entrance doors of a building, somewhere in the labyrinth of Tokyo's streets. I don't even know how we got here, Allie just dragged me through all these suspicious looking, empty alleys after we left the fashion show we were previously at.
"You'll have fun, trust me. Now stop being so whiny, you'll have enough time to sleep later on the plane. Come on, it's one of Minato Yamaguchi's partys, a lot of famous people will be there, you included." She winked at me, before continuing her talk. "I don't want to miss this opportunity and maybe you'll find new friends, too. Or a new lover." She chuckled while I just groaned and rolled my eyes.
Allie finally stopped walking and looked at the high building, then at her phone, probably checking if we're at the right address. "I have enough friends and I definitely have had enough drama with men lately, I don't need more of that bullshit." Now she was the one groaning and shot me a look. "Yejin... just... argh I swear it will be fun, Kenta and the others are waiting for us." Knowing that I've already lost our little fight the moment we started it, I just decided to give in. "Fine but I won't stay there for long, ok?"
A creepy looking smile found its way to Allies lips after my surrender and I couldn't hold back a laugh.
"Stop that Allie, oh my god you look like you're possessed by a demon." "HEY! That's mean!" I pushed open the door we were standing next to, trying to escape the little demon who definitely wants to slap me after my comment.

I could already hear loud music and people, but the sound was muffled. The bright neon lights blinded me a little bit and you could definitely smell cigarettes and alcohol. What I didn't expect though, was to run against something hard and big. Did I run against a wall, or what? Allie, who was right behind me two seconds ago, couldn't stop herself anymore and ran into my back. The next thing I felt before I could look up, were big hands around my arms.

"Ow, ow, ow..." I whimpered. The grip was...strong. Very strong to be exact.
I finally looked up and saw a bulky man, completely dressed in black looking back at me. Man, Minato's security guards are no joke, that's for sure.
The guard pushed me and Allie back, luckily not too hard.
"Names?" He asked rather harsh. I rolled my eyes, but before I could say anything Allie already opened her mouth.
"First of all, you don't grab women like that and second of all we're on the guest list."
"Listen, I'm only doing my job so please tell me your names and take off your sunglasses and masks while you're at it. Otherwise I'll have to throw you out and I don't think you want that." The security guard snapped back at my friend.
I didn't wait for Allie to say something stupid again so I took of my disguise and said my name. "Nam Yejin, my friend here is Park Allison" I pointed at Allie, who finally took off her mask. "Sorry she's a little bit bitchy sometimes." "YAH! I'm not, you're worse than me in case you forgot." I gritted my teeth and silently waited for the man to check the guest list for our names. God I just want to sleep, why do I have to be here?
"Alright I don't care about your little fight, but your names are on here. Have a nice night." With those words he stepped aside and let us go down the corridor to a black door.

Now I was the one quickly dragging Allie behind me, away from the security guard.
"You're so mean to me today." I didn't need to see her face to know she's pouting.
"And you were mean to the guard. Allie, I'm having a bad day and I'm just really tired, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but you really have to stop snapping at people who are just doing their job." "But he gripped you really hard, I had to say something."
I sighed. "You're right but sometimes it's better to just ignore things like that. I know you just want the best for me, but I can talk for myself." " You know what?" Allie stepped beside me and pushed the black door open, revealing stairs to a big space filled with people, the music blaring in my ears. "Sometimes you're unbearable when you're sober." I glared at her statement but she just rolled her eyes and went down the stairs, stopping halfway. "Are you coming or are you going to stand there the whole night." "Tsk, shut up. You're unbelievable." I went down to were she stood. "I know, unbelievably hot, smart, cool,-" I laughed at her and went further down. "Ok, ok, let's just have fun now and quickly go home afterwards."

Together we found our way through the crowd of famous and less-famous dancing, drunk and sweaty people, to the bar. Neon lights were hanging everywhere, that tinted the room in purple, red and blue. The ceiling was covered with mirrors and gave a good view over the crowd. There was also a gallery, and an...elevator? This whole underground club looked really artistic, it was decorated with red and gold furniture mostly and the bar was made of really dark, and probably very expensive, wood.

"Please give us your best drink, make it two." Allison smiled at the bartender in front of us, as we sat on the empty chairs.
"Alright." He smiled back and went to work on our drinks.
I turned my back to the bar and looked over the room, searching for anyone familiar.
"I'm gonna text Kenta and ask where they are so we can meet, ok?" Allie said beside me, her phone in her hand. I just nodded and continued watching the people, listening to the music.
There were a few faces I knew, but a lot of them were strangers. Or maybe I just can't remember their names.
"They're outside, waiting for us. Kenta said we have to take the elevator to the 10th floor." I turned my head to my friend, right when the bartender put our freshly made drinks in front of us.
"Thanks." I said, taking the drink in my cold hands, putting the glass on my lips, the liquid flowing down my throat.
"Let's go, come on." She hopped off the stool and followed me.

We left the bar and found our way up the stairs to the gallery. After passing some more people we got to the golden doors of the elevator. A man already tapped the button for the elevator to descent to our level and we just waited behind him. I checked him out a little bit, but I was only able to see his back. He wore black leather pants and an oversized blazer covered in green, shiny sequins. The elevator arrived and a bell sound was heard when the doors opened. No one was in there and only the man, Allie and I got in. The interior was almost completely made of mirrors and there were red neon lights on the ceiling of it. Moreover I couldn't help but admire the big painting hung up on the opposing site of the doors. Completely forgetting the man and blurring out everything else, I didn't hear my friend asking me to take a picture. A picture?

"Sorry, what? I wasn't listening." "I wanted you to take a picture of us, please." She excitedly pointed at the man next to her and then herself. Hold on...that man is GD, right?
"Sure." I said flatly trying to cover up my embarrassment. I didn't imagine my first meeting with him like this, in an elevator, on a party in Tokyo. The world is small, I guess.
I took out my phone and opened the camera app quickly.
"Say cheeeeese!" I looked at the screen, more specifically at the man's eyes that seem to be looking straight through the lense, giving me a slight heart attack.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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