Why Me?????

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(A.N. Sorry for not writing this. I had a thing called school, and homework, and rehearsal for the play I'm in.  Anyway........ enjoy the story.)

Uh-oh, one thing you should know about out principal is that she doesn't like kids, the only reason she stays here, ( at least the rumor) is because she has a MAJOR crush on our science     teacher. Personally, I don't blame her, practically the entire girl student body has a crush on him. Back to the real problem, I was standing right in front of our principle. 

" Ms. Hawks, I was looking for you." Said Mrs. Gonzalaz

Well that's obvious, I didn't say it out loud. That was a trip to detention after school, but I don't think I manged to cover the eye roll. At least, that's what I assumed after the nasty glare she sent my way. 

" You have been tardy to school almost everyday, so, you will now be spending your lunches with me until you have made up all the time lost." 

 I could tell she also hated the idea. To be fair I was never late l, the orphanage driver always dropped off the little kids first, so us high schoolers where always late. 

"But Mrs. Gonzalez-"

" No buts, you will be spending the next month with me and more if you continue to be late."

"  Will I be alone with you?" That was the real question, was she just picking on me, or everyone who was late. If that was the case, quiet a few (hundred) people would be in there with her.

" Yes, you have been tardy the most and have been tardy for longer period of time."

What?!?!?!?! I knew that for a fact it couldn't be true. A guy named Steve is ALWAYS tardy and comes in during second period. 

Ignoring my look of disbelief, Mrs. Gonzalez continued talking. " Your lunch periods with me start today. Seeing that there are only five minutes left in lunch, I suggest you head to your locker and get prepared for your next class." 

I nodded and slowly walked away, with only my grumbling stomach for company. Thanks to Mrs. Gonzalez I hadn't been able to eat lunch and was liking at a very hungry rest of th he day. Then again the food from the orphanage is never good and trends to leave a grumbling stomach anyway. A well..... maybe tomorrow..

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