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       "I just dont understand why your so standoffish its like your better than others or sum" i tuned  my  friend lexi out cuz i wont trynna hear what she was talkin bout " are you even listening to me ki uhhh HELLO earth to ki"

" girl i hear you im just not listenin to you i know that im happy by myself nobody to check in wit nobody telling me what and where to go or do im fine on my own NOW DROP the fuckin topic im tired of talking bout it!"

" mhhm .........ok whatever u say"

" why you pause li- ohh no not this again no nooooo no not happening no negative!"

" but whyyyy yall been bf's for the longest everything bout yall fits like a puzzle piece ki just think bout it yall grew up together live together and sometimes sleep in da same bed so whats there to loose and its so obvi that she in deep over heels for you" i just stared at this heffa through the phone  like she don lost her rabbit ass mind

" girl u crazy im not fuckin wit my best friend even if i was to it wont be more than a fwb type thing cuz i dont do the tying down thi-
" u mean commitment why is it so hard for you to feel or love someone  other than yourself ki come on you have to feel sum type of emotion to be sleeping alone at night not having someone to hold you have to feel" that was so good it almost got me
" ill be good i dont want to hurt kae feelings or worse break her heart you know how she is shell get attached and speaking of attach u do know she a whole virgin not a lick suck jab nuntin so that mean i would be her first now cmon thats messed up to take her v card then dip cuz i dont do relationships i cant do that to her i love her to much"

" i know i know alright well im finna go get me some peounce ( penis ) ima call you tomorrow babes loves ya"
" sure i love u to aight by bug head" i heard my door open and close then i felt weight on my back here she go

" watcha doing bestest was that lexi on da phone wit her loud ass"

" yeps she being her normal nosey self askin bout me goin out on dates and mingling with people that might interest me basically im lonely and she tired of having me bitch cuz im sexually frustrated- which is not true i gets mine i just dont want no relationship that commitment aint what im looking for just no" she whispered sum " mhh wat was that" " ohh nun just said whats for dinner"

" oh well im finna take a shower and then we can think of sum to eat or order aight ill be back" i went to my closet and got out some boxers shorts and sports bra sum comfy to walk around in then headed to my bathroom. I turned the water on and waited till it got hot in the mean time i took my clothes off and took my hair out the band that it was twisted in then step in the shower mhhh i think ima go head and wash my hair while im in here so thats what i did washed hair then the body and stood there for a few just starin at the water goin down the drain then got out when the water ran cold did my hygiene and walked out to my surprise kae was on my bed with her hand over her face and  headphones in ahhh lets play  i sat on her stomach  and leaned down to her ear " daddy's home" next thing i know im being pinned down to the bed.

         ~TBC ~ 1-26-18

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