Rubber Duckie you’re the one
You make bath time lots of fun
I’m awfully f-
I slammed the alarm clock with the palm of my hand.
I pulled the cover over my head to block my face from the blinding morning sun. The sun penetrated through my translucent white curtains. Slowly, I uncover myself, and a Chan’s arm drapes across my waist. I blink, shut my eyes, and blink again. When my eyes have finally adjusted to the bright room, I turned my head to face my boyfriend. He was still sleeping.
I ruffled his hair softly, “Hey, wake up. It’s time for school.” I ran my fingers through his locks.
“Mhhmmm,” Chan mumbles and buries his face in the pillow. His grip on my waist tightens.
I used my hand to loosen his grip, “Babe, you have a discussion remember? The one at ten?”
He softly shoved my hand away and nuzzled closer to my neck, “No. I’m skipping it and staying home with you.”
I pushed his fringe behind his forehead and flicked it softly, “No, you’re not skipping class again. Besides, I’m gonna hit the gym, so I won’t be in bed for long.”
Chan draped his leg around my smaller frame, trapping me. I squirmed under him, but he remained still. I started poking his sides, and he still wouldn’t budge.
Chan lifted his head and smirked, “You’re never gonna get rid of me.”
I pouted, “But I need to workout. You see this muffin top?”
“Nope, not a thing,” he smiled cheekily.
I squished his nose lightly, “Are you getting up or not?”
“No,” Chan replied, poking my sides.
“Chan! Stooopppp, it tickles,” I squirmed as he mercilessly continued to attack me.
“I surrender!” I yelled and sat up. I ruffled my bed head and scowled at him.
“My job is done here,” Chan pulled the blankets up to his chin, covered his head, and turned his back against me.
I poked his back, “Are you really gonna ignore me? Do you not love me anymore? Okay fine. I’ll go to someone else who loves me.”
I lifted my stuffed bear in the air, “Truffles, you love me right? Chan doesn’t. I guess I’ll just be with you forever then.” I gave my bear an embrace and rocked it back and forth.
Chan peeked his head out and glared at me, “You’re so lame.”
“My man don’t love me. I do what I gotta do.”
Chan rolled over towards me and pulled me down by the waist. I pouted and turned the other way, still hugging onto Truffles. Chan grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him. He pinched my cheek with his left hand.
“Ow, what do you want,” I said nonchalantly.
“Can we stay in? Please?” he pouted and took Truffles, “Truffles wants to sleep in too.”
I laughed at his little impersonation.
“You’re such a man child. Fine, but next week, you’re not skipping at all,” I replied, giving into Chan’s whining.
“Yay! I love you so much,” he leaned his forehead on mine.
“I love you too,” I smiled.