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So next is the one I know the most about, T-Transgender.

I only know this so well because of a while we thought my brother was Transgender. He acted like a female and all the time said, "I wish I was a girl! It would be so much easier! "

R-eally cool
N-o Discouragement
S-o worthwhile
G-olden personality
E-xtrmely nice
N-ot too different
D-idn't do anything wrong
E-xra great
R-ight for the community.

Yay! Didn't have to skip any!

So, if you are transgender and have decided to come out as the T, I appreciate you deciding that you wanted  to change yourself to be who you felt you truly are instead of letting other people tell you who you are. If you are transgender and haven't come out get. Please, at least try and get someone who will help you talk about it. I met some amazing people on here when I said that I needed help coming out. Maybe you can too?

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