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"Bye Kamo, see you tomorrow" she said as she packed up her laptop and some of the files she was busy working on.

"Where are you rushing off to? It's not even five yet, why are you knocking off early?" kamo asked, her brows rising with sudden interest.

"My man had a big day in court and I'm going to have some late lunch with him" Boitumelo answered with a sly smile, putting emphasis on 'my man'.

"Wow, he's so damn lucky. I hope he knows that and appreciates you." the tall slender woman with dark brown short hair said as she waved Boitumelo goodbye.

If only he knew how lucky he was. She wanted to say but refrained from so doing. "bye" she said to her other colleagues as she walked past their workstations with her three inch heels clicking loudly against the tiled floor.

She had a broad smile plastered across her lips the entire elevator ride from the sixth floor to the ground floor, as she thought of what a great idea seeing Themba at work was.

Their marriage had been taking strain since Themba's law practice took on a big case. He had been spending more time at the office working, and had been very snappy. With the court ruling passed on the case she thought he needed some food to celebrate.

She drove to a nearby seafood restaurant and got him his favourite, prawns, she wasn't a major fan of seafood so she got some calamari for herself. Then she got some natural sweet red wine from a nearby liquor store.

The judge was supposed to have passed his ruling by 3 o'clock, she had tried calling Themba and asking him how things went in court but her calls went straight through to his voicemail. So she assumed his phone was still off.

15:43 she was entering the glass doors of S.T. attorneys with a brown paper bag and a bottle of wine in hand, ready to have a meal with her husband. Seeing one of the lawyers on Themba's team, she knew that they were back from court.

In a black pencil dress and a dusty pink suede coat with some black open toe heels with her black leather clutch hanging by its thin chain on her shoulder, she greeted the receptionist and told her she was there to see Themba.

She took the stairs, two at a time, to the second floor - Themba's office and knocked gently on the closed door. After a couple of seconds without an answer and her feeling some giddiness she eventually pushed the door open.

The opening door alerted Themba of a new presence in the room. "Who the hell said you may come in!" he yelled, without looking up from the heap of papers sprawled across his desk.

The very warm greeting took her back a little but she composed her self and answered, "It's me, Tumi." At the mention of her name, Themba looked up from the pile of paper he was analysing - not with loving eyes.

Pure rage and disdain. Those were the only emotions swirling in his eyes. His dark brown orbs had turned a murderous shade of black and the storm brewing in them was as clear as daylight. The storm that would blow her away and break every tangible thing in her life.


**This chapter takes place before the accident, there will be other chapters where the events leading up to Themba's accidents are told.

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