The Report

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The week between the application deadline and the Report, convinced me even more of my decision. First, I didn't want to leave my family, even if they were in the same province. Second, it would be hard to transition from working at the palace to living there. By the time the Report rolled around, I was certain I didn't want to be picked and I probably wouldn't.

Most of the staff were dismissed early today to watch the report, including most of the maids, because a lot of them sent in applications. I went home in a good mood because Autumn told me that if one of the maids was selected, she would be moved off kitchen duty, and into a maid position.

My family, and Autumn settled down on the couch to watch the Report. We had popcorn, but there was margarine on it, and it tasted disgusting.

"Mom, if I get selected, first thing your doing with the money is buying real butter."

"Yes Sir!" she laughed.

"Everyone, quiet!" Sophie squealed, "It's starting!"

Gavril, the announcer had been on the Report for as long as anyone could remember. He had recently made an announcement that he would be retiring shortly after Prince Erik's Selection.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Let's see who will be coming to the palace to take part in His Majesty's Selection!"

He began reading off the province and name of the girls. It showed a picture of them too. I watched the pictures, and noticed many of the girls seemed much older and attractive than I did. When they had read the girl's names from all the provinces except Angeles, the sound cut out from the TV. It was old, and this happened from time to time. Everyone immediately began jumping up, banging the remote, and fiddling with the TV. I was the only one still sitting, and I saw the picture show up. The Prince's face lit up, and I leaned in for a better look. It was a girl who looked similar to me, but she definitely wasn't me. Mom got the sound working again to for us to hear

"-geles, Winter Petrov."

Everyone in the room stopped. Dad, who had been silent until now turned to me and said "Winter, that's you!"

I was in shock, it couldn't be real, but here it was. Autumn was shaking me, the phone was ringing, my sisters were, squealing. It was the noisiest our house had every been. It didn't any quieter from there. 

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