Chapter 10

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One Week Later... 

The world was nothing like it was.

Us few survivors had accepted this shortly after society had collapsed and death took on an entirely different meaning. But this reality also had implications that we had not realized nor really even considered until recently.

Everything evolved much quicker than it had before.

Children grew up faster. Matured much quicker. There was no safety anymore; no shelter. Your first bike ride would be without stabilizers and without the assistance of mom or dad.

And bonds between your fellow humans strengthened at a speed that would have seemed laughable in the old world. One week with Carl and Rick had felt like a year.

Time passed so strangely now; life was no longer measured in years, or even months. It was measured in the number of breaths you took.

The world was nothing like it was...

But I think, finally, I was beginning to get used to that. 


I had finally discovered what was beyond the horizon.

Upon the forest floor lay a wide range of natural debris; leaves, twigs, branches, even whole trees, all fallen in storms that had long since passed. The seasons had been harsh - particularly with neither human care nor preservation to protect natural spaces such as these - and what was once a carefully maintained area was now wild and unkempt. 

Rays of golden sunlight filtered between the vast network of bare branches that stretched out like a web above, casting exaggerated, contorted shadowy beams along the ground.

It was amazing, picturesque scenes like this that would almost be enough to convince someone that the world hadn't abruptly ended two years ago.


A danger was lurking close by. A danger that had not existed in the 'old world', as it was now commonly referred to.

The presence of the oblivious, inhuman creature was betrayed by its involuntary groaning; a pitiful sound that echoed loneliness and despair. Perhaps a plea to end its degenerative life. 

It may have been shrouded in dense foliage, its exact position unclear, but that didn't matter. They were not known for their reflexes. 

I rose to my feet and emerged from the hollowed-out trunk of an oak tree in which I had been slumped, hoping the threat would have simply passed me by. Evidently this was not the case, but it wasn't a major problem.

I'd fought these things before.

I took a step forward, and the shambling shell of a human turned to face me.

I raised my hatchet high in the air, and then, in a single swing, I drove the blade down. 

The groaning stopped.

"Not bad James," a gruff, recognizable voice praised me from close by.

Rick Grimes revealed himself from another nearby tree, his weapon of choice also raised in preparation to attack, presumably if my attempt failed.

"Not good?" I questioned.

"Well you made the mistake of driving the blade in too deep. If another walker showed up now, you'd have trouble getting it out again in time."

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