Chapter 1

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Hwano, a tall mammalian creature known as a typhlosion, wearing crimson robes and a snow white cape that draped over his sloping shoulders, leaned forward in his chair and began to enunciate his words carefully, with a regal manner. "The way I see it, it's the best option." He turned his sloping face, with a snout, much like that of a honey badger, but longer, to face a plump frog-like creature, seated across from him at the mahogany table, his blood red eyes piercing into the light green amphibian. "What do you think Tei?"

Tei jumped, his short legs with three webbed toes each dangling from his velvet cushioned chair and his spiral patterned belly wobbled slightly with the motion. "Well..." he began, fidgeting slightly with his hands interlocking, the blue spiral that protruded from his head bobbing slightly as his large cocoa eyes bulged from his round face. "It might endanger the citizens, and they might blame you..." He flinched and quickly finished his reply: "But it's your decision."

Tei was not one to stand up to the king, who could quite easily turn and kill Tei from his throne-like seat at the opposite side of the table. The main reason why he was Hwano's adviser was not because of his qualifications, but rather his status as a Politoed, a rare creature, a form that was usually accompanied by wealth, and was one of the few species allowed to command much power in the royal abode.

Hwano pushed his chair backwards and pulled himself to his feet, gripping the back of his hardwood throne. "Go ahead with it," he commanded, looking away from his adviser and turning his attention to a pair of gigantic, heavy doors. The navy blue fur that coated his back and long pointed ear shimmered in the golden light that poured from ornamental windows around the hall, as though coated in diamond dust; the beige fur across his face glowed with divine light, accentuating his aged features. He marched towards the doors, with light but firm steps, passing a painting of their God, known most commonly as the 'Great One', or, as many historical texts refer to them, Arceus, with an ornate golden frame with delicate grooves engraved around the corners. The deity stood triumphantly, pointing at something outside the frame with one of its hoofed feet with a sliver of gold, like liquid sunlight adorning the tip, a ring of gold, like the sliver on its hoof, circled its abdomen, emerald crystals embedded in the rings, glinting in the glow. The backlit deity's blindingly white fur covered most of its body, aside from its grey striped underside, and metallic face. Its eyes consisted of green rings around ruby circles, and exuded power. A flowing mane of white and grey drifted from its head like a wisp of smoke, ending in a soft point.

Hwano gave the grand doors a tug on their bronze handles, pushing the musty air around them as they swivelled ajar. A shrew-like creature with blue and beige fur, like Hwano's, sat patiently as the doors opened, looking up to his father, his eyes filled with love and joy, an air of innocence surrounded him. His back sparked with gentle flames as his father approached him, gently wrapping his soft paws around the infant's chest and lifting him into the air. The flames on the child's back calmed and extinguished as he was held in Hwano's comforting grip. Hwano looked at his son and his eyes softened from their usual terrifying glare to a soft, warm, loving gaze.

The pair embraced in a gentle hug, with Hwano cradling his infant, who began to close his dark red eyes and relax against his father's arm. Hwano inspected the huge painting that covered the wall of the corridor with a sad familiarity. A slender typhlosion wearing a lavish purple dress and a simple, but gorgeous crown sat upright in a gently curving throne, her hands resting, linked softly by her palms and fingers, on her lap. Her long, thin ears pointed upwards with artistic elegance, and her resting eyes were closed on her calm face. She seemed at peace with the world, yet knowledgeable at the same time. Hwano's heart ached as he stared at her perfect features.

"She wouldn't like what you're doing now, Hwano," said Tei, watching Hwano with a mix of pity and respect. He regretted those words the instant they came out of his mouth, as Hwano's features morphed into a look of mournful rage. 

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