05 | dumb

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Dear Euigeon,

Euigeon~ i miss you so much! Ijeseoya nukkyeo uri geonggan~ hihihi.

I went to the supermarket earlier to buy groceries, of course, because mom insisted. And while I'm sadly walking- because you're not with me *pouts* i slipped. Hohoho. I didn't notice a can of coke in the sidewalk, lmao, i know it's not sidewalk because im still inside the supermarket when i get slipped but okay, whatever you call that, i'll just continue my story. Oh, wait! Okay, i didn't notice the can of coke in the floor so i accidentally stepped on it and hurt myself.

I'm not on my senses that time because I was thinking of you! And that time, people started to stare at me and the coke also spilled on the floor and my mind was all blank- not really blank because you didn't get out of my mind so basically, I'm thinking of "Where's Daniel? He should get me out of here" but one more thought suddenly popped again on my unused mind, "Oh, I should be the one saving him"

Mi Young


heeeeeey this has been my longest update hohoho. but one more thing guyz. euigeon is basically daniel. euigeon and daniel is only one person. daniel's name when he was given birth was 'euigeon' but his parents decided to change it and make it 'daniel' because they're getting a hard time pronouncing 'euigeon' hihihi. just in case some reader doesn't know >_< but do i have any reader, lmao

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