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Title: Falling

Author: Rising_Tides

Song: 'I Don't Care,' Apocalyptica

Rushing. That was all I felt now. Idly, I remember telling my master that I had failed to annihilate the one thing that could defeat him, then... I frowned, absentmindedly brushing away one of the clouds obscuring my vision. Casting my mind back to the event, I remember my eyes becoming temporarily blind as my master's light grow brighter in anger. Then a voice, worse than I had imagined, softly speaking my doom.

"...Failing to fulfill your master's wishes. I thought I could count on you Azazel." His eternally youthful face wrinkled in distaste. "Tell me, pet, what was the consequence of failure to this mission?"

I winced, preparing myself for what I thought my pain would be. "Banishment, Master." I muttered, eyes downcast.

"Very good," He purred. "It's almost a shame to banish you, but," He shrugged. "You do deserve it." Minutes passed, and I shifted uncomfortably, waiting for my demise.

He laughed, something that I would usually revel in. Now, it made me writhe in pain. "Fetch the whip. I want to make an example outif this... failure. To make an example out of this... failure. To show them that I do not tolerate it." One of my brothers, Raziel, fainly left to get a whip. Seconds later, he returned, giving Him the whip. He patted Raziel on the head, then stood regally. Achingly slow, he padded over to me and slid my shirt off. He raised the weapon and brought it sharply across my back. Biting off a scream of pain, I chanced a look at my wings. The usually pure white feathers were now splattered with red icor. He moved my wings aside roughly, breaking a few delicate bones as he did so. Raising the whip again, and again, and again. Eventually, I couldn't hold them back, and my tortured shrieks echoed across the cold palace. Each time they rang out, my master's light grew wider. Scream after scream after scream. My breath grew ragged, my back became enflamed, blood pouring freely out of my wounds. Finally, blessed relief. He stopped, throwing away the whip. Grabbing me by my torn and ragged wings, He bodily carried me to the edge of the palace.

"Azazel, so and servant of God, you are hereby banished from heaven. You are now a fallen angel, and may never return. You shall now live the rest of your life in remembrance of failing your master." With that, he threw me off the edge.

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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this unbeta'd version of an idea that I had.

Now, this is not something that I had done before ^^ After all, my main characters are usually girls.

This will not be easy for me, as I am a girl. So, I am putting out a notice:

RISING_TIDES is looking for a BETA (Preferably male, so you can correct the main character's actions)


» Odd sending patterns

» Grammer issues

» Past, present, and future sentence issues


» A Wattpad account

» Sense of humor

» Patience (In me)

» Being a human of the male genre (Not required, but preferred)

PLEASE message me (Rising_Tides) if you are interested! Thank you! ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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