Feeling Sparky

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You don't spend 17 years as the Sheriff's low-key delinquent son without learning the signs of being tailed. He had been squeezing tomatoes in the produce section of the grocery store when his Stiles' senses started tingling. Looking up he saw a Legolas wannabe in a dark purple, 3-piece suit staring straight at him from the melons doing a very unconvincing impression of a grocery shopper. Both arms were jutted out in front of him and in each hand was an erect banana. As if he was offering the bananas to Stiles from two rows over. Real creepy.

Feeling perved out, Stiles put the tomatoes in his cart and left the fruits and veggies. Out of his peripheral vision he could see the guy's head turning like an owl's, tracking his movement.

In the relative safety of the frozen food aisle, he took a moment to assess the potential threat. It was Saturday night and he was out buying snacks for the pack meeting currently taking place at Derek's. All the other Avengers were assembled except for him. He had been voluntold to grab food stuffs because Derek, being the muscled, were-hobo that he was, didn't have anything except for protein powder and cobwebs in his cupboards.

Seeing the bespoke guy jarred something in Stiles' hindbrain. He hadn't seen him before, but he's sure he'd seen what must've been his...associates...over the last couple of days around Beacon Hills. They had all been wearing the same outrageously expensive suit. At the bank and then at the Best Buy. As though he had attracted the attention of a very well dressed cult. Stiles was sure they were together. Not only because of the suit, but their eyes; they all had otherworldly, ice blue eyes. Stiles had enough experience with the supernatural to never ignore his instinct. He was being followed.

Parked in front of the frozen perogies, he whipped out his phone and immediately called Scott for backup before Stranger Danger found him.

"Scott!" Stiles whispered aggressively into his phone, hand cupped around his mouth. "I'm being followed!"

He was trying to keep the shrieky hysteria he could feel creeping through his veins out of his voice. Judging by the looks he was getting from the lady in front of the frozen peas, he needed to try harder.

A clearly distracted Scott responded, "Dude, what? - Isaac, no, man, wait! We're gonna attack the cows when Stiles gets back. We need all three of us to defeat them. He'll be back in a minute. I'm talking to him now. - Stiles, where are you?"

"His p.o.s. jeep broke down again, didn't it? Tell him we don't have any duct tape." Stiles heard Isaac in the background insulting his vehicle, but had to ignore him because priorities.

"Scott! Listen to me, some creepy pasta is following me around the grocery store."

The click-clacking of buttons from a PS3 controller was the only response until, "Pasta? No, we don't want spaghetti - just chips and Jackson wants redvines."

"If he's going full Mom, tell him to pick me up some eggs." The slimy smooth tones of Peter's voice ordered.

"Holy fucking shit, Scott! Stop playing that goddamn game!" The shriek had finally taking over Stiles' voice. "Put me on speaker phone, you useless asshole."

Scott let out a wounded sound, but did as he demanded, "Alright, geez. ...k, you're on speaker."

"I. Am. Being. Followed." Stiles was careful to enunciate, but resumed whispering lest he be heard by his pasty shadow. "Do you hear me? I am being followed."

Through the phone, Stiles heard Scott drop the controller as he immediately grew serious.

"Stiles, who's following you? Why?" Rustling came through the line as Scott rushed to stand up off the couch, "We're on our way."

Feeling SparkyWhere stories live. Discover now