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You were walking down the hallway ready to go home cause you didn't have practice today when you get stoped by your friend Sam Cortez. 

"Hey, Talia there's someone that wants to ask you a certain question." he nods his head back at the small blonde boy behind him

(BTW you and Sam have been texting about the blonde for a while now. You and the blonde have always liked eachother)

You smile and step infront of the boy. He turns red and starts stepping away but his other friend pushes him back to you.

"So what did you want to ask me?" you say trying to keep your cool

"I...I wanted to ask what's. I mean how's Wrestling going?" you could see his friends in the background slap their foreheads

"Good?" you make a confused face he turns to his friends as his friends mouth "Try again"

"What I really wanted to ask was...was um.How was your... uh, weekend?" he said shaking his head obviously in dissapointment

"Good." you say "I have to get to the busses. See you later Alex." you start to walk to the buses

Alex grabs your wrist and turns you back around. "Seriously though, what I ment to ask you is... will you go out with me, Talia?"

You finaly let that grin take over your face. "Yes!!!" 

"Yes?" he says getting really red

You nod and he gives you a hug, it felt like you never wanted to leave his arms.


You & Alex have been great but today he was mad and he wouldn't tell you why. This girl named Maria (a girl that liked Alex) told him he was single. He was heart broken, so much he even let a tear escape.

Your friend told you what happened, you tried to talk to him but he wouldn't even pay attention to you. You decide to text Sam.


(T=You & S=Sam)

T- Y wont Alex talk to me???

S- cause you broke his heart

S- I thought you really liked him

T- that's the thing, I do like him

S- then why break up?

T- that wasn't me!!!

T- Maria likes Alex, she was jelouse so she broke us up

S- You need to tell Alex!

T- I can't he wont even tal to me

T- talk*

S- I will tell him



You were just watching Riverdale when you hear something coming from your window. You look outside and it's Alex. He's in your yard with rose petals surrounding him in a heart shape. He had a rose and a teddy bear in his hands.

You open the window. "What is this for?" you say

"I know it wasn't you, so all I ask is for you to come back to me."

You run downstairs and outside into Alexs arms. "Yes"

You look up & kiss him. You've never kissed anyone but family before, this was your first kiss.

After you were done he looked down a you. "I love you, forever." the first time you guys will say it "I love you, forever and a day." You guys go back to kissing.


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