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I can still feel it. The sharp pain of this- this curse forming in me. In my head. I wanted to crawl into a ball and scream and cry but something told me I couldn't do that. For the first 5 minutes, it hurt- burned like hell. All the blood in my body turned into fire it felt like. I could feel it pulsing through every inch of me, after that I felt nothing. The pain subsided, the fire extinguishing itself inside me. As I lay on my bedroom floor, I got this call. It was my brother. He was pushing through his words with a thick voice. He was panicked and grieving. I picked myself up and ran out of the door to the site.

I pushed past the crowd of people in search of him who was standing there watching the paramedics pull them out of the car that was completely destroyed. No one could have made it out of there alive. Luckily, he did. My brother survived. My parents were not as lucky. I wasn't sad. I wasn't hurt. The pain went away, remember? I just held my brother as he cried. He was 16 when this happened, making me 13 at the time. I began to see numbers. Not just any numbers, but dates. Month, day, year. They were all around me. As they pulled my father out of the car, I saw 3/18/13 on his forearm, the same on my mothers when the funeral came about.

My brother and I lived with our aunt and uncle after that. I remember the night he died as well. 8/1/15. No one was home but him until someone made their way in and killed him violently. I was the one that found him bleeding in the hallway holding a baseball bat to protect himself with. My aunt told me I walked to the door as they were walking in with a blank face. "You should wait here." I said to them. "Kyle is dead, I'm going to clean up the house before the police get here." I was quiet for a moment while they stood confused until I broke the silence with "You both should stay here for the next few days." I said staring at their arms. They didn't listen.

I'm 18 now and I am just fine. I finished high school alone, got my first job alone, and I am now living in my own apartment alone. You might say I have a lot to be thankful for, but you don't see death dates all day, everyday. Every time they die, I feel it. Like a writhing pain explodes through my body. Most of the time its tolerable until several die together then the pain intensifies where it feels like I am turning inside out. It makes it very hard for finding friends which is fine with me. Could you imagine knowing when your best friend is going to die? Yeah, me either. It's not like I push people away, I love conversing with others as much as any other teenaged girl. I go and hang out with other girls and some guys, I have fun, I do normal things. I live a normal live. I can't see when my day will come or if my day will come. God only knows.

I am Harper Quinn. The girl who can see the dates of when individuals will lose or take their lives. Tragic, isn't it? How do you work that into a conversation, you might ask. Well the answer, you don't. I have never told anyone about my-well it's certainly no gift. But it's okay, because life is grand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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