Chapter 16

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(N/N): Nickname

The scene was a bit more overwhelming than you would've expected when you returned to the shack with the twins. You were a bit surprised when everybody practically dog-piled on top of you, but then again, you did almost die. Despite the fact that you were still tender from the recent surgery, you ignored the sting and embraced them. Along with being overwhelming, it was also a very emotional scene. Soos full-on burst into tears. You knew Soos was a big softie, though, so you weren't too surprised. You were a bit surprised, however, to see the elder Pines twins get misty-eyed. You knew everyone in the shack cared about you, but not this much. It made you feel a bit emotional as well. Behind all the commotion, Soos slipped into the kitchen, and came back with a variety of baked desserts in his arms.

"We heard that you might've been leaving tonight, but we weren't sure," he said. "But, I spent the day making all this, just in case."

Soos was so sweet. His optimism was contagious. You were very glad to see him again, outside the hospital. Mabel giggled.

"Soos, you're too good!" Soos blushed a bit at Mabel's compliment.

Dipper coughed a little, and bumped Mabel's side with his elbow. She peeked up.

"Oh, yeah! (Y/N), we got something for you," she chirped. You turned around.


Mabel swiftly pulled something rectangular out of her sweater, and placed in in your palm.

It was The fucking Goonies.

You laughed and remembered that day. The first day you stayed in Gravity Falls. The first day you visited the Mystery Shack. The day you met the love of your life.... 

You looked at her now. Just as beautiful as the day you met, slightly tanner now, but still the same girl. Your Mabel. You still couldn't believe that such a magical and bubbly girl, could fall in love with a basic piece of garbage like you. Mabel was beaming at you, hoping you liked the gift.

Then you lost your train of thought, and another started up.

How long had it been since that day?

Your blood ran cold. Almost two months. It was August now. Which meant....

Your face fell. Mabel looked worried.

"Do you... not like it?" she asked.

You shook your head, and chuckled a little.

"No, Mabel, I really love it," you sighed, looking up to her. "But.... it's already August...."

She looked confused. "And?"

You swallowed.

"Mabel, summer's almost over."

The room fell silent, and a tension grew over the group. Mabel's expression now matched yours.

"So... I'll be going back to (southern state), and you'll be going back to California..." you teared up a little. "We're gonna have to separate."

The silence was painful. Until Stan spoke up.

"Hey, what's the internet for???" He blurted out. "And cars, and planes for Pines' sake! You and my pumpkin won't be very far apart if you think about it, (N/N)."

You sighed, and chuckled softly.

"He's right." Mabel smiled a bit.

Stan kneeled down beside the two of you.

"Look, I get that it's gonna be hard not to see each other in person all the time. Hell, I was there for 50-something years, I should know!" You heard Ford chuckle, and Stan smiled over his shoulder.

"But the reality of it is, you're only a phone call away if you two ever need each other."

"And technically," Dipper added, his hands in his pockets, "summer's not even over yet. You still got some time."

Mabel smiled, and looked at you, holding your hands.

"They're right, (Y/N), we're gonna be fine," she assured as she pecked your cheek.

Wendy spoke up, "hey, you losers gonna turn on the movie or what?"

Mabel giggled and got the TV set up, and you and the group spent the night watching the movie, ultimately falling asleep in the living room.

Hey guys, it's been... quite a while. So much has happened since the last update. Mostly bad stuff, so hopefully that can explain why I've been on such a long hiatus. Anyway, if you actually read all the way through that, then you know what this all means. YES the story is about to come to a close, as much as it saddens me to say it. I originally wanted to stretch it out just a bit longer, but the truth is, my mental health is at an all time low, and I'm taking school much more seriously now, so I just don't have time to continue with this series. But I didn't just wanna discard this story and leave you all wondering what happened, I know how much you all love this series. Another thing about this, I'm just not inspired anymore. I've recently had a perspective change on "love", and I haven't been in the Gravity Falls fandom since 8th grade (I'm currently a sophomore in high school), so it just keeps getting harder and harder to write anything.There will be a few more chapters before I finish things up, so just be prepared for those. Thank you all so much for the support, I love you guys so much, and I can't wait to see where the rest of this goes. Thanks for reading, see you all soon! <3

(bonus: special thanks to @_Random-Stuff_for the new cover! Sorry I took so long to update it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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