Finding Branch/Surprise!

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*Branch POV*

I sighed. 

I know that Poppy and the others are probably worried about me and where I've been. 

But the only reason why I haven't been around is because I'm planning a surprised picnic for Poppy and I haven't told any troll. 

Not even the Snack Pack. 

And maybe.. I haven't seen or talked to Poppy because I didn't really feel like seeing Poppy right now. Not right after I actually told her I loved her. But it was just part of the song..right?


I wanted to have our picnic at this lovely hidden garden I have found in the woods earlier in the months.

And I wanted Poppy to be the first to know about it because it's special just like she is. 

So I just needed to hide for a little bit more before the sun starts setting. 

*Poppy POV*

We looked everywhere. And when I say "everywhere" I mean EVERYWHERE. 

I was really having trouble trying to stay calm. 

I mean the last time I saw him was literally a week ago. 

And I just miss seeing his face and miss listening to his angel-like voice. 

And most of all his sarcasticness and over protectiveness.

I giggled at that. 

My troll I miss him. 

"Poppy?" DJ said. 

"Yes." I turned to her with a sad expression. 

"You don't think he's..trying to avoid you?" She asked me. 

At that I paused. I didn't want to believe..I mean-why would he try to avoid me anyway.

I sighed. It doesn't really matter anymore though. Whatever's going on with him is probably personal. 

"Poppy?" DJ called to me again. 

"Hmm?" I said and snapped out of my thoughts.

"Do you think he's trying to avoid you?" She asked me again. 

I just shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe, we should just go back home and just wait for Branch to stop hiding and come out when he's ready."

My friends turned to me not believing what I was saying. 

"Poppy...are you alright?" Biggie questioned. 

"I'm fine..really." I lied but assured them. 

"Let's just give Branch some space." I suggested. 

They gave each other uneasy glances knowing that I wasn't alright but fortunately they let it go.

*Back at home* 

The Snack Pack walked me to my pod then we all said our goodbyes. 

 I then just noticed that the sun was started to set before I reached my door knob and headed inside my pod. Then, I noticed something. 

There was a note sticked onto the back of my door. I picked it off then read it. 


Please meet me in the woods where we usually go to get peace and quiet. 

You know what I'm talking about. :)  - Branch

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