Part 1

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I think everyone is beautiful

In their own way of corse

No one knows what's hidden

Or the secrets that aren't spoken

To them it's not worth thinking about

But to me it's so hard to live with

Everyday I wake up and think about it

It's there everyday in my mind

I want to get it away from me

I try to forget about it

But it's with me every step of the way

Chloe's pov

It's Monday. Again. 7:30 the time I always look at 5 days a week. The drowsy weather outside where nobody goes. We leave the curtains down and closed. Not just me and my mom but everyone in the street as well. Except for one house.

They liked the dark but everything was open. No one really wondered why but I did. I was curious.

I didn't really know him, he was always with the same three boys. Michael, Luke and Calum. They were always happy. Completely different from me.

They would always chat in classes but I was always the quiet one. They don't like me. To them I was nothing just a kid in the corner doing nothing and never bothering to change myself.

I was ready for school by now and as I walked out of my door I saw them.

Ashton, Luke, Michael and Calum. They waved to me but I ignored it. They were probably taking the piss out of me.

I put my earphones in and listened to the same song over and over, Green Day 21 Guns. I could hear my name getting called. I looked over my shoulder and it was Michael.

"Hey, it's Chloe, right?" I looked down and tried to ignore him.

"Yeah, why do you care?"

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to walk with us today? Because we always see you on your own and you know, we're here if you want us." I stopped and looked at him. He winked at me.

"I'll walk on my own. I'm used to it." The smile flew off his face and I carried on walking. Before I knew it all four of them where right behind me.

"What do you want?" I stopped and turned to look at them.

"Nothing." Calum smirked and looked at Michael.

"Really?" I smirked looking right at Calum giving him the stare. I caught the blonde one, Luke, looking at all of my bracelets. I hid them under my jacket and walked away quickly.

*last lesson in school*

So the last lesson is music. Ashton sitting opposite me and my friend Becky sitting next to him while I sit next to no one.

"Right, Chloe you're going to be working with Ashton and Luke for this lesson. Could you work in practise room A please." My jaw dropped as my music teacher turned at the other students.

"Come on then Chloe." Ashton and Luke were waiting at the door. I couldn't believe it. I was so pissed.

We got into the practise room and I sat in the corner, as usual. 50 fucking minuets in here with these two. Ugh.

"So, I noticed your bracelets this morning. There kinda cool you know. Where did you get them?" Luke strayed piking at the guitar.

"I don't know I guess I just put them on to cover up the ---"

"The what? Did you say something?" Luke stopped playing and looked at my bracelets again.

"No. Nothing. I didn't say anything." I stuttered and picked a guitar up.

"Oh I thought you did." He got back to his guitar.

Not long after, Georgia walked into our room. Georgia is the most liked girl in our year. Everyone wanted to be like her and she had loads of friends. She didn't like me to be honest. She bullied me a lot.

"Oh girls we need to go back to our room it stinks of Chloe in here." Obviously referring to me. I shot up and walked over to her. Ashton got up as well. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, he then stood in her face.

"Don't be so rude Georgia. For gods sake can't you just leave her alone. She might not be as popular as you but at least she has better manners than you ey! Just leave." Ashton squared up to Georgia and she walked into her room looking back at me and giving me evils.

"Um I could of done it myself but thanks anyway, I'll be back in a sec." I left the room and went to to girls toilets.

"It's time Chloe. Now is when." I told myself. I took off my bracelets and got a sharp razor blade out of my pocket. "Just do it Chloe. Why not?" I made five scratches and watched the blood travel down my arm into the sink. I took pictures of the blood and my wrist. I then washed the blood off. I put some of my bands on. The door opened. It was Ashton.

"Ashton?! What are you doing?" He stared at the sink in shock at the blood covering the silver tap.

"CHLOE?! Why? Why are you doing this? What's going on?" I burst into tears sitting on the floor hugging my knees. Ashton hugged me so tightly.

"Chloe, you don't need to do this. It's ok. We told you that we are always there for you." Ashton squeezed me tighter now.

I hugged him back, burying my head into his shoulder soaking his blazer in my tears.

"I had to Ashton, it's all I could do." I sniffed and we stopped hugging.

"Look, Chloe. It all stops now, ok?" We stood up and I shook my head.

"No. Ashton. I can't stop now." I cleared the sink. It was spotless now.

"Right after school you can come over to my house and we'll talk about this, ey?" Ashton hugged me one last time.

We walked back into class and it was 3:30. End of school. "Are you going to tell the others?" I looked down at my shoes.

"No. You don't need to go through that much pain. I don't want others to know." Ashton smiled at me and we got our bags, said goodbye to Luke and left.

Ashton's pov

I drove to Chloe's house so she could tell her mum she was coming over to my house for a couple of hours.

"she said she doesn't care, ash. She kicked me out this morning." she didn't get out of the car or take her seatbelt off.

"Does your mum know you're doing this?" She sighed and looked away.

"No, I don't want her to. She'd kill me anyway." She covered her arm with her jumper.

"Well we'd better hide it properly then otherwise she will find out."

•••••••thanks for reading this guys, I'll be updating soon(:•••••••

unwantedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora