Part 8- My family

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I'm really sorry guys for not updating for months and months :3


"Nanami!" Tomoe screamed.

There she was unconscious in the wrath of ...her

"Master! Please let the woman go" My son screamed.

"Oh What pleasant surprise" the woman laughed.

"(Y/N)" she said with hatred dripping in her voice.

"Akane" I death glared her.

"Oh how nice it is to have a family reunion, why was I not invited?" He pouted playfully.

"Well when your sister forgets to mention she has taken in your son then you start to hate her" I said.

"Hahaha!" She evilly laughed as she put a red fan to her face.

"No matter, when I get this mark of this human I will rule all of you" she glanced at Nanami.

I jumped up to attack her.

"Give me a break (Y/N)" we fought and somehow she got in a position where she could attack me. She smirked and spread out her arm with the fan. I waited for impacted but it was my body that fell to the floor... it was Kygo.

"No!" I screamed.

"Disobedient brat" she hissed and turned back to me.

Tomoe ran to our son trying to heal him.

I looked into my sisters eyes and glared at her.

Her eyes widened and she laughed.

" welcome back sister!" She laughed as she kept defending herself. That's was until I finally marked her. Her eyes went wide and she let a small laugh out.

"Aki is looking for you" she whispered, all my nightmares came true there in that moment. She fell back and I stood there in that position worrying about what she had said. My thoughts finally came back to me and I raced to my lover and child.

"No Kygo you can't leave me again!" I cried.

"Mother, I'd gladly die for you. Father, take care of her"

"Please don't leave me please!" I screamed as I fell into Tomoe's arms and cried.

Before I knew what was happening a bright light shone around Kygo and us. I looked up and saw my sister for a faint moment. She smiled, she was back to her normal self.

"Thank you (Y/N) for returning me back to my love" she looked up and Yamato, a dragon spirit looked down at her. That's right he died many moons ago...

I looked at Kygo and he looked brand new. Tomoe looked at me adoringly and pulled a strand of hair out of my face.

"We shall be fine my love" he whispered and kissed my forehead.

Whilst we were in our own little world Kygo walked up to Nanami and lifted her up.

"She's... beautiful" he murmured.

I smiled at Tomoe whilst he looked worried.

"My dear one do not worry, it may be taboo but a humans life can be long when you're in love" I poked his nose and I looked at how Kygo admired her features.

"Let's help her get better ok Kygo?" I walked in front of my son to lead him to her chambers.

"Whilst dad cleans up this mess" I smirked at Tomoe.

"Lay her here Kygo... I will change her please help your father until I shout you. Then I'll introduce you" I smiled and he blushed slightly.

An hour went by and Tomoe was preparing us a meal to eat. Kygo watched over Nanami as I tended to the plants outside.

"Mother!" I heard Kygo shout.

I ran in the room as I thought something was wrong but I saw Nanami awake and both blushing.

"Oh Nanami this is my son... Kygo" I bowed to her.

Kygo bowed to Nanami "my pleasure lady Nanami" he spoke like a true gentlemen.

"Nice to meet you K-Kygo " she muttered.

"Well I'll leave Kygo with you Nanami and I'll help Tomoe prepare food" I got up and shut the sliding doors to.

"They're going to get on just fine" I smiled to my lover.

"I'm still uneasy about this" he said as his shaking hands chopped mushrooms.

I took his hands into mine so his full attention was on me.
"My love they will be fine. Let them have their fun now, feel uneasy when she is an elderly woman. We need to support Kygo then" I smiled.

"That's what I'm worried about. What if he does something reckless like ask the gods to make her immortal or even worse make him mortal" he looked away.

"So if I didn't come and you fell in love with Nanami. Would you go against it?" I asked.


"Sure" I smirked.

" I was waiting for you to return, deep down I knew there was something missing and I'm glad I got two for the price of one" he looked at his son admirably.

" we have to respect his choice love, but don't worry now. Worry when the time comes. For now let's be a happy family" I smiled.

"I love you Tomoe"

He looked and smiled " I love you too (Y/N)" and he kissed me.

After our little cute moment was over we started to prepare foods.

"You know Nanami hates mushrooms"

"I know" he smirked.

"Whatever am I going to do with you" I laughed.

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