Monday again

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I cant believe it but the weekend is over. Sad that two days of fun and enjoyment are up but happy that its only two weeks before summer. Today is monday and just after you have arrive in school, everyone and I mean everyone are busy doing something. Some are doing the project that is due the other day and some are busy flirting. Flirting I mean Rep. Rep is currently surrounded by girls from every year level. They are not really doing anything but try to make a conversation with Rep. But Rep is busy doing God knows what on his iPhone. So you can say that he is not really flirting but being flirt at. Having enough of it, I went straight towards him and the girls and act like my usual self.

"Hey Rep." I said nodding towards him. The girls stood and started going on in every direction.

When no one is around that lefts me and Rep alone. No one said anything and so we went to our classroom for the day to start.

The day went by rather quick. Now, I'm in my room doing the last set of homework we have because by tomorrow onwards, the entire school would be busy in preparing for the finals. The students would be studying and the teachers would start doing or I mean drafting the exam for the principal to check before printing. You see, our school is in what you can say...different. Yes, we follow the same calendar for school holidays and other stuff but our school have its own way in dealing with exams or school fairs. So because next week would be the start of our final exam for our second year in high school, we have the entire week for ourselves. Some students may took this for granted just because we can stay at home to study but obviously they don't intend to spend the time studying well in fact the only thing on their minds is party.

So here I am, studying hard for the whole week next week that would be filled with exams. I'm currently reading about history when suddenly my phone light up catching my attention. Looking at the screen, its just a text from MK asking if he can come over and copy notes from me cause he thinks that he miss out something. Having no problem with that, I immediately send a reply saying he can.

Just placing back my phone in my desk, there was a knock on my door. Closing my book and opening my door, I'm shocked to see MK standing infront of my door. Raising an eyebrow, he understood what I was about to say and came inside my room without even asking permission.

"I was downstairs when I texted you. I just told Maria (our maid) not to call you and told her that I would wait for you downstairs." MK told me matter of factly.

Smirking on how he lay in my bed like he own it, I walk to my study table to grab my chemistry notebook for him to look at.

"Here, copy away."

Grabbing the notebook out of my hold, he sat comfortably on my bed and retrieved a pen from his pocket and started copying. I return to my chair and started reading again the same book I was reading earlier.

"Where are the others? Are they done studying?" I ask MK.

"Nope. They haven't started yet. They said they will only start when all of my notes or I mean their notes would be complete. I'm not complaining Gel but the guys are really lazy in copying notes. You can never guessed that they belong to the top ten of our year. I'm just glad that the boys are not like the boys from the other school that laze around and not really study." MK said calmly.

"Yeah, I'm happy about that too. I'm proud for all of us. Our friendship will now be a whole year after our exams. And I hope that it would get stronger and stronger don't you think?"

"Yeah. I can't wait for the exams to end so that we can put our plan into action for our one year anniversary. Oh, here thanks for the notes. I should get going now before the boys lost the strength to study. Bye Gel. Don't need to send me out, I know the way out. Just study okay? I know that we would be side by side again when the results come out. Happy studying!" He added the happy studying while closing my bedroom door.

Returning my attention back to my history book, I let the words hit me and let the time pass by.

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Hey guys, I know all of you are getting impatient but I promise that a few chapter more and Angel would be flying to Seattle where the story will take that extra spice.

I'm new in writing a story so give my story a shot, alright?


I'm a boy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora