Chapter 8

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Before we start this chapter I just want to say that the schedule we have is as follows:

Monday-Friday=New chapters(No promises)

Saturday=Optional workday

Sunday=Break Time 

Now that that's cleared up let's head back to the chapter...

You were just getting ready to leave your house when your phone started ringing.You answered the phone only to be greeted by a sneeze "H-hey Y/N >ACHOO< I have a b-big favor to a-ask you >ACHOO<"."What's wrong Honey?"."I-im really really sick and I can't leave Takashi a-alone >ACHOO< can you p-please hang out w-with him p-please.".You sigh "What does he look like?"."Well h-he is tall and h-has that strong a-and silent >ACHOO< v-vibe you k-know?"."Okay don't worry I'll hang out with him while you're sick now I'm hanging up.".You ended the call 'How am I going to find a guy named Takashi with those details'.As soon as you got to the school gate you saw someone waiting there.'Is that the guy?' You thought.You walked up to him and asked "Are you Takashi?".The supposed Takashi spared a glance towards you and nodded."Honey is sick and asked me to hang out with you while he's that okay?".Takashi once again nodded and started walking towards the school building.You sighed 'Today is going to be a long day'.

~Time Skip to afterschool~

You and Takashi started walking towards the host club.He kept walking with a blank face and you couldn't help but take a few peeks at him.Honey wasn't kidding when he said that he had a strong and silent vibe.You and Takashi arrived at the host club and you could hear chattering inside.You haven't been there for long so you really dont know what to expect.l.One thing you did not expect was to see everyone you interacted with these past weeks be there except honey.They all turned towards you and stared.You slightly blushed "H-hey guys".For some reason you could hear girls scream as soon as you spoke.Takashi then spoke for the first time since you have been keeping him company " honey is sick."They all nodded and resumed "working" which took the girls gazes away from you.You still kept pondering about why they kept staring at you.While you are there you helped every once in a while and even performed with the twins.Through the whole session Takashi stared at you and you were to busy performing with the twins to notice.It wasn't until one of the girls came up to you and asked "Are you single?*giggle*" that he took action.While you were taken aback and about to respond Takashi stepped up and responded "Its time to close so your going to have to wait tomorrow to get an answer.".The girl gave a glare to Takashi and left with a huff."Thank you Takashi.".Takashi just grunted and started cleaning up.Everyone started leaving with the twins being last who gave you a rose and whispered in your ear "See you later at home.".For some reason you blushed at this statement and it wasn't until Takashi growled that you came back to reality."Just go already so I can clean up.".After that the twins left you and Takashi were left alone in the club room.

You looked up into his eyes then looked away once you made eye contact. You two start cleaning up the tons of flowers that got left on the floor. " Hey uhh Takashi. Why do you never.. . Uhh talk I guess. "He shrugs. " Ok then... I think we are pretty much done. " He nods and puts the broom back in the closest.
A door from the side of the room open a guy wear all black with a hood covering his face walks out. He glances at us then leaves. "Who is he? " "Umehito Nekozawa. " "O-oh."

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