Meeting the boys

18 4 2

Rose's POV.

 we were now sat at the food court and were having a sandwich "so what are you doing here liam?" i asked "well we are closing off the tour here in mexico city' he said "no not that i meant what are you doing here in the mall?" i laughed " um i was shopping for my girlfriend danielle and i thought that here would be the best place to get her something really nice" he smiled at the thought of her " oh so did you find something for her?" i eagerly asked "no not yet i just dont know what to get her" he said disappointed "well maybe i can help you" i offered " yeah that would be nice..." he said and his mind was elsewhere as if he was thinking real hard.

"what's on your mind?" i asked after a while of silence "oh just thinking of where i saw you" he replied "don't think too hard you might damage that pretty little brain of yours then i'll have to call a taxi in order for me to take you to the ER" i joked "thats it i know where i saw you before we met in a taxi this morning" he exclaimed "ohh that was you i didn't really get a chance to see who it was i had a massive headache sorry" i apologized " no its ok i saw that you weren't feeling well from the moment you got in but i just had to say something " he smiled " haha well it seems that we were destined to meet!... well come on lets go we have to find that perfect present for danielle now dont we?" i said smiling.

"oh my gosh you should totally get her this its very beautiful!!!!!" i exclaimed "i know i love it im gonna get it!" he said excited "ok perfect then go pay for it" i smiled widely and watched as he walked away to pay for it ( pic of what liam got her on the side) "ok i got it i hope she likes it and thank you rose for helping me out without you im not sure what i would've done" he hugged me and i said "no problem liam and im sure she will like it now come on lets go" i exclaimed "ok so are you going to our concert tonight?" he asked "um no i dont have a ticket" i looked at him wierdly "nonsense your going now come on" he dragged me by my hands " how?" i asked " well doh im taking you what would be the purpose of me being in the band if i cant invite me friends" he grinned "ok sure... i would love to come" i said " great now i can introduce you to the... " "oh my gosh its liam payne " some girl screamed " run" liam screamed as he pulled me with him.

"here hide behind this sign" i  pulled him behind the sign and watched as the fans passed us screaming at the top of their lungs "wow you have some crazy fans" i joked "yeah not really their just really dedicated" he grinned " really but i guess i understand them if that was jonny depp i'd go balistic" i exclaimed " really jonny depp?" he smirked " yeah i just love how he acts" i replied "ok lets go i think the coast is clear i need to get to rehersals" he said "ok where are you staying?" i asked " um im staying in your hotel actually" she replied "really what a coincidense" i said as we got into a taxi.

I looked at myself in the mirror wow i look good! and then heard my phone ringing signaling that i had a text message i laughed when i saw what liam had put his contact name as.

From: liam toystory 

Are you ready im down in the lobby waitng :) o

To: Liam toystory yeah im heading down right now :) O

I went into the lift and pressed the botton that lead me to the first floor i got there quickly a was looking for liam when someone tapped my shoulder and asked "looking for someone" i turned and saw liam smirking "actually im looking for my friend have you seen him?" i replied sarcastically " i believe so i saw him walking that way" he played along and pointed toward the door "thanks sir" i winked "ok enough fooling around lets go were gonna be late"

"so what did you think" liam asked me when he ran backstage after the concert "omg you guys were awesome" i screamed "we were weren't we" he replied cheekily "well hello who do we have here?" someone said from behind liam and we both turned to see who it was "oh this is rose the girl i met at the mall" liam answered him "oh so this is the lovely rose? hello love im harry" harry winked at me and kissed the back of my hands. "hi" i said "ok guys lets get going we need to get to the photoshoot and since niall already did his he's gonna stay and keep rose company" liam said and they walked towards a room.

i sat on the couch and niall sat next to me" so rose where are you from?" niall asked "im from belize" i said " huh where's that?" he seemed confused "oh its just a little place next to here i actually live in an island not the city and its really beautiful you should come its just like hawaii " i blabblered "really well i should come its sounds fun" he smiled and i saw that he had a cute smile "you should" i smiled and he stared into my eyes and started to lean in. "were back and we brought food oh are we interupting something?" louis screamed and smirked "um no nothing like that" i said and sat properly "well we brought nandos" zayn said "nandos!!!" niall screamed.

We were sat around the room and were speaking and getting to know each other " mmhm i think this is the best food i've had" i exclaimed "yeah the best and if you didnt know what nandos tasted like then you haven't lived" niall chuckled and reached out to grab some of my fries but i smacked his hands "oww what was that for?" niall complained "well thats what you get when you touch my fries" i sassed "ohhhh she told you" harry screamed we laughed and spent the rest of the nice laughing and messing around until it was time to get back to the hotel.


it took me a really long time to update but now i will try to update as often and my summer vacation has finally started whoooooooooo!!

♥ ROSE ♥ ♣

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