Chapter 10

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I laid tied up on the concrete floor. I've been here three days, everyday Joker would go in the room next door. then come back the next day. My clothes torn and blood stained, my breathing ragged and slow. The pain was unbearable. "You know, you remind me of the bird boy" Joker said. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, I groaned. "" I whispered spitting blood on his face. He growled and slammed my head on the ground. "You kids now a day's no manners" Joker said taking a cloth and wiping the blood off his face. 

"Now, to finish you. I've got my share of fun today" He laughed. He took out a knife and plunged it into my stomach. "AAAHH!" I screamed tears rolling down my face. "Now me and Harley  dear, have a date. Can't be late, be a good girl and get your home-work done. And be in bed before 8. Say hi to your parents for me" He said shutting the warehouse door. I herd his laughing from outside. I laid in the ground looking at the ceiling. I felt my hair getting wet from the blood. "To much blood loss"  I thought.

I turned my head towards the door. I blinked slowly. I used my last bit of strength. "There will not be another funeral"  I crawled over to the door. Slowly. I made it to the door and reached up but i couldn't reach. I groaned. I putt my back up against the door and reached up. "Got to get out, Jason said that warehouses block out signals, if i can get my hand out of the door, and press the button my my phone" When Jason gave me my phone he said i just had to hold the home button and it would send help. I pulled on the door handle, and it was locked. 

"Shit" I was loosing to much blood. I started to go in and out of consciousness. I grabbed a bobby pin out of my hair and worked on the lock. "Thank you YouTube and boredom" I thought as the door unlocked. I pulled the handle and it opened, the cold air hit my face. My vision started to blacken. "I will live for my parents, and Megan" I thought. Before i could get out i went unconscious. 

Author P.O.V

Nova fell her hand just barley making it out-side. Her hand fell holding her phone her phone. Pressing the button

Bat cave~ 

The boys stayed in the cave waiting for a signal. Tim sat in the chair waiting when a beeping went off "I got a signal!" Tim yelled. "Where?" Bruce asked. "Warehouse 51, at the bay!" He said. "Let's go!" Jason yelled getting on his motorcycle. Everyone left the cave and drove to the bay. 


The bat fam made it to the docks after 30 minutes of driving. They split up and went to look for Nova. Damian walked around ready for anything. A couple of Jokers goons ran out and attacked him. He took them down easily. He looked around and saw the wear-house. He ran to it and saw a glint in the snow. He ran over and brushed off the snow. He saw Nova covered in blood, bruises and cuts. He saw the knife in her stomach. "Batman I found her, her pulse is slowing!" Damian said in the com. 

"Bring her to the bat cave, along with Red Hood and Night wing, Red Robin and I are staying here" Batman said. Damian picked up Nova and ran to his bike getting on and driving to the bat-cave. 


Nova P.O.V

I opened my eyes and I was in a very bright place. "Emma line?" I herd someone say. I turned around and saw a blonde haired women with brown eyes. She walked up to me she was wearing a silky white dress that was lined with cold. I looked at her she had warm chocolate eyes. Then a man came up with brown hair and blue eyes. "Mom, Dad?" I asked. They smiled and opened there arms and ran to them and hugged them.

"I missed you" I said smiling while tear rolled down my face. "We did too, but you can't stay here" My mother said i looked at her confused. "Why?" "You have a long life to live, and Jason will miss you. Plus, that Damian is waiting for you to wake up" My mother said. I looked at her. "I want to see some lovely grand babies" My mother said. "Ew mom" I said cringing. She laughed. "We'll see each-other again, after you have long beautiful life" My mom said. "Watch that Damian, don't let him get to touchy" My dad said.

"Ew dad" I said. They kissed my for-head and smiled. I noticed a red headed girl come up from be-hide them. "Megan!" I yelled running to her. "Hey dude, your parents are awesome. and I miss you" She said. "Me too" "When you become a awesome vigilante kick that Joker's ass. You hear?" She said. "Ya sure haha" I smiled. "Don't stop dancing" She smiled and disappeared. I walked to my parents and hugged them. "You made some amazing friends, and tell Jason we say thanks and good job" My mom said. I nodded. "Bye" they said.

I smiled and closed my eyes. I opened them again and I was blinded bye lights. I blinked and and looked around. I was in an infirmary but not the hospitals. I looked around and saw Robin sitting next to me he seemed to be asleep. My eyes widened omg robin oh ya. I shoved his shoulder a little. He woke up and then looked at me. "Uh hi" I smiled. "Hi us how are you feeling" He asked. "i'm feeling pain everywhere" I said laughing a little then groaning. Then I panicked. "Oh my gosh what time is it, where's my brother?" I asked. 

"He's fine" He said. "Alright. Damian" I said smirking. He looked at me. "H-how?" He asked. "Please, I knew the day I met you" I smiled taking off his mask. "Bruce is Batman, Jason is Red Hood, Tim is Red Robin, Dick is Night-wing, and of course your Robin. I've been saved by all of you, and I knew who you where the day I met you" I smirked. Damian smirked and nodded. "Your not such the dense and stupid girl I thought you where" Damian said. 

I looked at him and glared. "Dense and stupid girl, what the fu-" I was cut off my Damian placing his lips on mine. I kissed back and placed my hand on the back of his neck. He placed his on my cheek. I herd someone clear their throat and we pulled apart. I looked and saw Tim standing with his mouth open. Bruce and Alfred smiling. Dick about to drink a water bottle only for all the water to fall out on his uniform, and Jason looking like about ready to rip Damian's head off. 

I smiled. And started to laugh, everyone looked at me. "They where right" I smiled. "Who?" Damian asked. "My parents I saw them. By the way Jason they said thanks and good job" I smiled. Jason smirked and crossed his arms. "You saw your parents?" Bruce asked. I nodded. They looked at each-other.

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