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Conor P.O.V

The view over Hollywood is unreal, like every building, even though so big, makes up only the smallest detail in the big picture; the big picture is the stunning Los Angeles.

"You ready to head back, Conor?" Jorja pats my shoulder. Looking over to my side, Jack and Jorja are stood together, admiring how the city lights up the night sky. "It's pretty late."

"I know." I nod. "It's almost midnight."

"It's quite a long trek down the mountain too. We better get going."

We all start to make our way back to the hotel, myself trailing behind Jack and Jorja who are walking hand in hand down the path.

Opening up my Instagram, scrolling through all of the photos I took, I choose and post one where the sun was only just setting and all the street lights were just about to turn on.

We're back at the cars in good time, Jack driving one and I drive the other. Throwing my phone onto the passenger seat and slamming the door closed, I slide the keys into the ignition and follow my brother and Jorja back to the hotel.

Jorja P.O.V

"Jorja, wake up." A voice murmurs into my ear, most of the message sounding like white noise. "We're back."

"Kk," I mumble, opening my eyes to see we're back at the hotel. "What time is it?"

"Almost half past midnight. Let's get you to bed. You must be so tired."

"Jack?" I ask. "Can't I just stay with you tonight?"

"You can if you want to?" Jack smirks, leaning back into his seat. "Are you ok with that?"

"I'm ok." I yawn. "I think I'd rather stay with you."

"Ok." He nods. "Um, so let's go then?"

"Let's go inside."

Leaving and locking the car, Jack and I walk back inside of reception, Conor not long after us. We pass the canteen where cleaners are sweeping the floors, and Jack and I make it to his room not long after we've come from the lift.

"My legs are aching so bad." Jack drags out, putting on an overemphasised limp that makes me chuckle. "Why did you make me walk?"

"Stop complaining! I bet you loved the view." I snigger. "Just unlock the door, Jack."

He slides the key in, pushing the wooden door open. As soon as he does, Jack's eyes widen. Not being able to see inside, his expression is a little like he's staring at some sort of parallel universe.

"What are you doing here?" Jack stutters, moving into the apartment, but reaching a hand towards me, gesturing to stay away from whoever or whatever he's seen in his utter state of panic.

"Are you cheating on me?"

The voice of such girl makes my heart almost fall out of my chest, leaving my body freezing cold and fragile. That bitter voice makes the memories flood back.

Walking outside of the party for our dance tape, where she was in tears and Jack followed behind.

Jack's face after telling me all about the blackmail, but not admitting whatever this secret is.

Dana continues, "With her? You're cheating on me, with that?!" Her bellow erupts.

Taking a step closer to Jack, I spot Dana. Sat on the bed with her phone in her hand and the tears falling quickly down her red cheeks. Her voice hitches in her throat as she talks, making her voice higher pitched.

"We aren't properly dating Dana!" Jack defends. "And what the hell are you doing in America?"

"I knew as soon as you didn't answer my messages," Dana burns. "Texts, Calls, E-Mails, Snapchats. It was like you didn't even remember my name."

"Maybe because he didn't want to!" I find myself shouting, even though I can't feel my lips moving because they've gone numb. "Maybe he didn't like the way you treated or blackmailed him!"

There's a pause.

"Well," she cackles. Dana stands from the bed, lifting her hands to wipe the tears; she flicks her hair over her shoulder and builds the anger up. "Your new little friend is gobby, isn't she Jack?"

Looking up to my side, Jack's arms have wrapped around me, not with fear but protection. Eyes focused on Dana with his nostrils flared and eyes red, it looks like he's about to charge at her. "Don't say anything, Jack." I urge.

"He doesn't have to." Dana nods, gaining a composure whilst Jack looks like he's debating to punch her. "Your secret's out there now, well one of them anyway..."


Suddenly, Jack's face is blank. The red has turned to pale pink, the anger to submission. "What do you mean it's out there?"

"I mean," Dana raises. "It's out there. Done. People know, Jack."

"Know what?" I frustratedly say, turning to the boy with the blonde surfer hair with his hands crossed in his chest, staring at Dana who's now sat on our bed. "Jack! What is this whole secret?!"

"Just google the news." Dana blinks, standing and strutting towards us both. "You'll find it."

"We're done." Jack mumbles. "Dana, you and I are done."

"Fine by me." She shrugs. "But just remember Jacky... I'll be back."

And it's just like that, this poisonous wretched girl had disappeared after claiming what she wanted.

Suddenly, Jack rushes over to the bed, sitting down and burying his head in his hands. Back rising and falling quickly, it's obvious that his breathing is heavy with fear.

"Jack, what's going on?"


"Jack, talk to me."


Head in hands.

Swiping my phone from my back pocket, Dana's words echo around in my head. 'Just google it'.

Pulling up the news app on my phone, it all comes flooding in.

My heart shatters into a million pieces.

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