Chapter Three

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It took several trips to and from the campsite before they had enough to even consider starting a fire. Hermione, Ron and Harry were not back yet by the time they arrived so they didn't witness Mr Weasley's failed attempt at lighting matches.

"Dad, just use magic," George begged around the fifth attempt.

"Yeah, matches are made out of wood, wands are made out wood ... nobody will know!"

"In broad daylight? Absolutely not!" Mr Weasley replied, his tongue sticking out of his in concentration, "I have to do this the muggle way, right, Quinton?"

Quinton nodded, from his seat at the fire, "I would help you but well ... matches are scary."

"Give it a go," Fred prompted.

"If you set fire to your hair, we'll put it out for you - "

"The muggle way," The twins finished in time. Quinton tentatively stood up, heading towards Mr Weasley. However, after a few attempts which barely made a spark, it was revealed Quinton was just as bad as he claimed, sitting down swiftly. Fred and George laughed whilst Ginny remained silent, her mind focused on Quinton's words earlier than his lack of fire skills.

"Quinton ... when you said you could help me with Harry, what did you mean?" She whispered, pleased to see her family were distracted.

"Um ... I kind of have to show you?"

She backed away slightly so he could see her raised eyebrows, "What do you mean by that?"

Quickly he realised how odd that had come out, "Nothing bad, I'm aware that sounded weird! Just ... trust me, okay?"

Glancing around, her eyes came to rest on the girls' tent, "What about in there?"


"Show me in there," Ginny explained.

"Won't that look odd?"

Her eyes drifted to the twins before back to the tent again, "Probably? But you've been in a room alone with the twins for the past week or so. If they have anything to say, that fact ought to shut them up."

"Almost there ..." Mr Weasley promised, turning his back as he went to get more matches. Taking her chance, Ginny tugged at Quinton's sleeve, motioning for him to get up. The two stood up before he followed her towards the tent, glancing around uncomfortably as he did so. As it turned out, the Twins did notice, their faces mostly amused and teasing although there was an undertone of protectiveness to it. Still, as promised, Ginny remained unfazed, sticking her tongue out at them before disappearing inside with Quinton.

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