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Trigger Warning, please dont read if you feel ranting will trigger even the slightest thing in you. Its better not to push yourself to hard. Please stay healthy 🖤

Okay so, i dont understand why humans dont treat other humans like equals.

Here are some reasons why they dont
:different opinion:
:mental illness:
:how pigmented anothers skin is:
:how strong:
:how short:
:how jumpy:
:how paranoid:
:how awkward:
:how popular:

:how human they are:
And theres the big one.
I mean I guess its scary, or weird when you think. "This person is just like me,"
Yeah I know you will disagree,
"we are completely different, everything."
But, even a 7th grade teacher knows that this is wrong.
We all are 99% equal.

Why dont you understand that?
The only way to do or survive anything is to be with someone. We have all tought eachother that we can only work with the ones we know. Only the ones most equal. Arent we all equal enough? Why do you need that 1%? Dont you think we would all die if that gap was filled?
No one would evolve to something that will keep us moving. We will all stay the same, no one would grow.

The human species would be gone.

I know its really spooky and kinda disheartening. But nothing will change if we all are like this.

Ah but even I can stop myself on this. I belive that the world balances the happy with sad. The world needs to stay balanced. But right now the sad really is pushing its limits. With all the drama and heartache we have all doomed eachother.

You need more proof?
Put yourself in anothers shoes, or maybe your mind is shut? Open the damn thing then. There is no excuse for your actions. You can and will control yourself.

Think about who you are hurting or what you are hurting.

Examples being:

Littering - The world will suffer
Bullying - that person will think nothing of themselves, hurting someone you could love.
Animal Abuse - that species has a heart and mind. Nerves and organs. They feel pain and have no right to be feeling yours.
Self Harm - could you be influencing anyone you care about? Arent you very important if you say you dont care about others? Wouldnt you wont to save yourself?
Self Harm Bonus - stop being trapped. Push yourself out, baby steps if you have to. If im the one saving you then let it happen. Dont talk to me again, Even so I belive you are human. Stay healthy, or become healthy. If no one else is willing to help you, I will.

Please love

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