Chapter III

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It's been a month already since the school starts and there's still NO PROGRESS with my love story.

That Seung Ho guy is still being aloof. I think he talk to me only twice, one from the first day we met and just recently when he asked to borrow one of my pen.

Aigoo! I think my love story is gonna be a disaster and tragic!

No, that can't be! I am too pretty for such kind of genre.

If I know, he's just playing hard to get.

"Hyun Ji, do you still think I don't have a chance with him?", I asked Hyun Ji sitting beside me.

"Hmmm.., based on the progress, NO, not a chance!", Hyun Ji said flatly.

I sighed heavily and slam my face down my desk.

"I think he's gay, So Hyun", then Hyun Ji added.

"NO WAY!!!", I ended up shouting it and everyone in the classroom, including Seung Ho, looked at me.

I made a peace sign and smiled at them shyly.

Since I met him, I never embarass myself before.

Then, our professor went in and greeted us good morning.

We greeted back.

Then as usual, he checks our attendance.

During this time, I was just staring  at the guy beside me.


Yes, I am owning him.

"Kim So Hyun? Kim So Hyun?"

"Miss So Hyun?"

"So Hyunie, So Hyunie" I was back to reality when Hyun Ji was voilently tapping me in my shoulder.

I faced her. "What?!" I look around and I was shocked that, again , the whole class is looking at me.

"Kim So Hyun?", my professor called my name.

"Yes Sir?", I shyly asked our professor.

"You seemed to be far off Ms. Kim So Hyun, you're just staring at Mr. Yoo Seung Ho the whole time", our professor said in a teasing tone.

My cheeks are slowly turning red. I feel myself heating up. My professor said that in front of the whole class.

My classmates turned to me and teased me about it.

Waaaaa! My professor is so tackless!

Our professor signaled the whole class to shut up.

"Okay, okay enough class". The whole class stopped right there, thankfully, but I could still feel my face heating up.

I sneak a glance to my seatmate and his face is just void.

Is he human? He looks unaffected one bit with the teasing!

So our class went on, our professor was blabbering about a school project.

"So this project will be composed in partners, I'll announce later the pairings. I want every pair to come up with their own promotional ad video, upload in your Facebook accounts. My grading system for this will be per individual and as a pair. The video must be an original concept and creative. Do what you want, your video can be a POV type or you can have someone take the video. Any questions?" No one raised a voice so our professor announced the pairings.

I wish Seung Ho will be my partner for this project!

"Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun"

I automatically grin. I am so HAPPY!

"Miss So Hyun seems to be so happy about it"

Aigoo, our Professor is such a match-maker!

I was blushing hard and smiling like an idiot.

I turned from my seat and face him, he's not paying me any attention so I poke him.

He turn to me with a furrowed brows.

Aah, he's so cute! I could stare at him all day!

"Hey, we're partners! When are we going to make our plans?", I asked him cheerfully.

Ah! This could be my chance to know him more and get close with him.

Kyaaaa! Maybe a week of working together for a school project will bring us closer!

I was waiting for his reply but he just turn away from me and when our professor dismissed us, he hurriedly went out without even glancing to me.

Huhu, I wonder why he's treating me that way. I wonder if there's even a chance.

I sighe

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