That Wasn't a Question

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"Now Sweets will you please sit still!" I heard the man with silver eyes say to me as he plunging two large syringes into my arms! The burning was so intense I felt like my skin was melting from the inside out. I felt my muscles tighten so roughly I started to get cramps in my shoulders. I opened my mouth to scream for help but no noise came out. I shot up like a bullet sweating like Niagara falls.

"I need water!" I mumbled as I fought back the urge to vomit grabbing a dollar off of the table next to my bed and running out of the door. I was running so fast that as I turned the corner I slammed into a very tall man dressed in all black so hard that I was knocked to my ass.

"Sorry man. I wasn't paying any attention." I uttered looking the man in the eyes as he helped me up. His hand was hot and he had a some what creepy look in his eyes right before they turned silver and everything went black.

The next thing I knew I was being woken up by loud banging and screaming from Dean who was outside my door. The noise rung in my head like a gong, every bang seemed louder than the last.

My heart began to race when I rolled over to Sam, shirtless in bed next to me. The noise had apparently woken him up too. Before he could see my blushing face I angrily got up and walked towards the door rubbing my temples. I swung it open still in immense pain. 

"If you don't stop with all of the god damn noise I am going to shoot you. Do we understand each other?!" I said between my teeth.

"Yes ma'am." He chuckled with a smirk. "By the way, those are some very...cute pajamas you have there." He said looking me up and down. Apparently Sam was now standing behind me staring over my shoulder at Dean with an instense death glare that even scared me a little.

"Sammy, come on let's get dressed and let Risky Business here do the same." He said with a huge smile looking me up and down one more time. I chuckled in a smartass way slamming the door behind both of them.

As I got dressed my head pounded with every movement. I had no memory of what happened that night, but I did have a gut feeling that whatever that man was had something to do with this case. I thought about it a bit more as I slid on my shoes and headed out the door.

When I stepped out of my room I was greeted with a slew of compliments from both brothers. They were wearing basic men in black suits and Dean even had on sunglasses.

After about three hours of me talking to the neighbors and the boys talking to the county mortician we all met at the house. the crime scene tape had been taken down so as we stepped into the house I felt my chest get tight. This house made me so uncomfortable and uneasy.

"According to the neighbors the family was pretty normal. Dahlia, 18, seemed to have lots of friends and a very interesting knack for chemistry. Henry, 11, seemed like a pretty normal kid he played soccer and had a decent amount of friends." I repeated to the boys as we explored the living room. "One interesting thing though. Mrs. Jennings the old woman across the street, her grand daughter Tabitha was really good friends with Dahlia. Tabitha had told her grandma that Dahlia had been acting really irritable and angry just a few days before she went missing. But Mrs. Jennings just chalked it up to mother nature if you catch my drift." I uttered as we made our way into the kitchen.

"Hm so not much there. The mortician said that the technique that was used to bleed the family out was unique. It was done with tubes that were stuck into each side of the neck and into both arms." Dean narrated as we all opened cabinets and drawers looking for anything to give us any ideas on what was going on.

"He also says that they had to have been bled somewhere else. There was no blood found here in the house and they were completely drained." Sam added as he opened the pantry.

"How about really careful vampires?" I asked sticking my head under the sink.

"Maybe." Dean muttered in a mocking voice. I opened my mouth to ask him if he needed some midol but before I could say anything my phone started to ring.

"Morella Sinclair how can I help you?" I asked in a slightly higher pitched voice.

"Miss Sinclair? My name's Tabitha Jennings you spoke with my grandma earlier about Dahlia Hanson? I was wondering if I could meet with you." A young woman's voice asked.  I agreed and made arrangements to meet with her at her grandma's house. 

Tabitha was a petite girl, she had blonde hair, brown eyes, and she wore big square purple glasses. After the boys identified themselves as detectives she showed us to the living room and sat down on a large arm chair, and motioned for us to sit down on the couch.

She took a deep breath and looked at me, just me. "It started about 3 months ago. At first Dahlia said she was having these really intense nightmares. I told her to talk to her parents about it, she said she tried but  the nightmares started to get worse. After about a month of having nightmares she stopped coming to school. She kept insisting someone was following her. I told her to go to the police but she wouldn't listen she said he even followed her in her mind. She's been my best friend since pre-school and I've never seen her act like that so I thought she was having some sort of psychotic melt down." She had to pause for just a few seconds to fight back the tears. "So I told her parents. I didn't see her for about 3 weeks, I thought she was maybe in a rehab center getting better but I saw someone moving around in her room the day before..." she paused finally allowing the tears to stream down her face. "The day before the incident. I saw the rest of the family leave earlier in the day. I have a key to the house I went over to investigate. What I saw in that room wasn't Dahlia. She was ghostly white, stick skinny, her eyes were bloodshot and they had dark circles under them. But the oddest thing was her fingers and hair."

"Her fingers and hair?" Dean questioned sounding confused handing her the tissue box in the living room table. 

"She had always had long pretty nails and her hair touched the back of her knees. She took a lot of pride in both of those things." She sniffled blowing her nose loudly into the tissue. "But when I saw her that day her fingers were covered in dried blood and cuts with next to no nails. And her hair was chopped off to her ears not professionally either. I tried to talk to her but all she said was "It didn't work! Why is he still there?!" She started throwing herself against the wall so I got scared and ran off. When I got home I called her parents. Thats the last time I saw her." She trailed off  sinking her now red face into her hands.

"Tabitha, is there anything else? Did she have any description for the person she said was following her?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder softly. 

"Y-yeah." She sniffled out. "She said he was taller than six feet, he was older. Kept saying he said she reminded him of his daughter. She said something about his eyes scared her. She said they were a silver color but she thought they were just good contacts but they made her feel uncomfortable." 

My shoulders tensed up and I lost my breath for a moment. Sam had seen me tense up I guessed, because he rested his fingers against the side of my thigh.

"Did you say silver eyes? Did she say anything else?" I shook out regaining my composure and sneaking Sam a small smile.

"Yeah, metallic silver and maybe but that's all I can remember. And I'm very sorry but I need to lie down." She muttered standing up and motioning for us towards the door.

"Thank you Tabitha. Once we find out anything at all we'll let you know." I said turning back to the door before we made our way to the car.

"Back to the house." I spat out with disdain walking across the large lawn.

"I guess so." Dean responded like he was answering a question.

"That wasn't a question." I stated in a very stern yet monotone voice. 

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