Mr. Freckles🥤

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The shrill of the bell rang through the school as you fixed you position in your seat. Marco and Jean turned around as Sasha put away her snack.

The class door creaked as your homeroom teacher, Mr

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The class door creaked as your homeroom teacher, Mr. Shadis, entered the room. Casting a cold glance across the class, Shadis set down his shoulder bag and took off his jacket. You smiled widely, for you knew Shadis loved your class and enjoyed playing cruel games with your peers. Deciding to play along, you violently coughed in the back of the room. Making inhuman sounds as you destroyed your lungs, the whole class began to giggle and suppress their smiles. Mr. Shadis turned around only to glare at you, yet behind that cold stare, you could see amusement. "You know Ms. (y/l/n), would you like to sit at the kiddie table since you still don't know how to act mature... even after FOUR years?" Mr. Shadis carefully chose out his words as he stood firmly in place. You smirk deviously from the back of the room and retort with a teasing tone ,"I would love to! We could touch our toes all day and stay up till after 7 o'clock." The class burst into laughter as you mocked your teachers old age. Shadis began to break under the pressure himself and gave out a small snicker. Shaking his head he continued to organize his supplies and the class went on with their usual chatter.

Jean and Marco turned back around to you as you stacked your next classes' books. Jean began a fraction of his sentence but was interrupted when Mikasa strolled up to your table. You looked up to her with a sweet smile as she handed a book to you. "Thanks for letting me borrow it... it wasn't as good as you said it would be.. but I enjoyed it." She mumbled. You laughed and scratched the back of your neck as you took back the book. You forgot you would always lend Mikasa some novels to read over the summer. Sometimes you and her would just hang out and read together, no exchanged words. You were ripped from you thoughts as you heard nervous stuttering in your right ear. You looked over to a blushing Jean as he stared up to Mikasa. Trying to muster up words, Jean rambled random compliments to the black haired girl trying to get any sort of attention. Mikasa began to walk away as Jean followed her like a lost puppy. You've noticed Jean's attraction to Mikasa, and lately it's been adding some jealousy to your list of emotions. 'Who cares, it's not like he would ever care..' you thought to yourself.
Realizing Marco was still there, you broke out of your trance to look at him. He just sat there smiling at you, while subconsciously bouncing his leg. His knee rubbed up against yours repeatedly as your staring contest continued. As the awkward tension built in the air you shyly stared into his chocolate eyes. The corners of his eyes started to crinkle as he smiled a bit wider. With the incredulous look on his face, you mouth began to twitch. Giving in, you burst into a fit of giggles as Marco's smile widened. Walking around the desk you hugged Marco while standing. Your arms locked around his neck as you rested your chin in his charcoal black hair. With a satisfied hum, Marco wrapped his fingers around your forearms as you swayed side to side. Closing your eyes you took in his scent and dazed off while the chatter around you turned into a tuneless mumble. Your peaceful moment was interrupted when Marco lowly spoke ,"I honestly don't know what he sees in her. How can he not notice that a perfect angel is right in front of him the whole time?" Your brows furrowed as you let out a questioning hum. Marco took a second to respond but looked up at you through black lashes ,"Do you want to go to lunch after school?" You stared at him flustered, as you tried to read his facial expressions. "..Sure, we get out early today so I'll have time to.."

(I'm too lazy)

Marco ended up taking you to a Ramen restaurant called "Strings" in the center of China town. When you entered the building you noticed it was quite small, but the aroma of food flooded the air. You both took a seat in the back of the restaurant while the waiter took your order for drinks. You took a simple (favorite flavor) sparkling water, while Marco got a can of Fanta. The sound of the busy kitchen and customers talking was surprisingly comforting. Breaking the silence, Marco whipped up some small talk. "So you excited for senior year?" You stared at him while tapping your chin ,"The work will be a pain in the ass, but upcoming sports and activities get me pretty hyped." Marco smiled and laughed a little ,"Are you going to means me join the volleyball team again?" You put a devilish grin on you face as you reached across the table and took Marcos wrists in your (s/c) hands. Pulling him forward a bit I inched your face closer until you lips were right next to his ear. You could feel him shudder for a second when your breath fans across his neck, "...YES!" The increase in your volume made him flinch as you giggled and returned to you seat. Marco wore a hurt expression as he pouted his lips in a mocking manner.
You finally ordered your food and it came to the table within a couple of minutes. You both ate your lunch contently as you exchanged a few words here and there. When you were done and waiting for the check, you noticed Marco playing with the small pop can top. He twisted it until it broke off and reached for your slender (s/c) hand. He slipped the pop can ring into your finger and pulled your hand to his face, where he brushed his lips over your knuckles. You blushed a beet red as you followed his every action, waiting for what he'll do next. He looked back up to you and you stared at his lips waiting for him to say something. You blushed even more when his tongue poked out to moisten his lips. And with a genuine smile as he whispered ,"M'lady."

You covered your mouth before you could snort out a laugh

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You covered your mouth before you could snort out a laugh. "Marco what the hell was that?" You couldn't hold back the stupid smile on your face. The moment was ruined when the waiter came to the table, check in hand. You both split the bill and walked out of the small restaurant. Marco decided to be chivalrous and walk you back to your house like the gentleman he is. On the way back your hands accidentally touched, Marco pulled back whispering an apology while giving a cheeky smile. Silence followed, but being the bold person you are, took his hand in a warm grip. Marco blushed and looked at you for an answer. But you continued to look forward with a small smile. Marco relaxed and turned forward, giving your hand a tight squeeze. Before you knew it, you were in front of your house. "Well I guess this is it, I had a lot of fun Marco." You turned around as you far welled the freckled boy. Marco grinned, "Yea, we should totally do this again." Before he could muster another word, you pulled him into a tight hug, inhaling his cologne on his sweater. He hugged back and dug his face in your neck. You both pulled apart and you walked into your house. Once you shut the door you looked to your palm, smiled yo yourself and touched it, "Well... that was interesting..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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