Can I keep him?~KookiexRM~

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Jungkook walked home after work one night and kicked a few pebbles along the sidewalk. He had a small pout on his lips as he kept his eyes down on the ground. He didn't know why he was sad but the feeling surrounded him as he took the long way back to his and Namjoon's apartment.

He passed the small pet shop and almost walked in, like he did everyday after work to lift his spirits. But he just wasn't in the mood tonight. A sigh left his lips as he walked past the shop, shaking his head. He was walking past an alley when he heard a small whimper, instantly turning around to see what it was.

He pulled out his phone and used the flashlight to see into the dark alley. "H-hello?" he stuttered out as he took a few steps into the darkness. The whimper was heard again and Jungkook looked to his left to see a small puppy laying amongst the garbage.

His heart swelled as he knelt down by the puppy, making the dog curl away. "Oh, puppy. You're okay." Jungkook whispered as he held a hand out. The dog sniffed him a bit before climbing out. The dog let out a yelp as he put pressure in his hind leg.

Jungkook stood up and put his phone back in his pocket, gently picking the dog up in his arms. "Lets go get you cleaned up. Namjoon is going to love you." he smiled as he walked. He was glad Namjoon wasn't home yet as he walked inside and shut the door.

He got the dog cleaned up carefully and wrapped them up in a blanket as they cuddled on the couch. Jungkook fell asleep a little later and didn't hear Namjoon walk into the apartment.

He did hear the loud cursing and sat up with a small frown. "Nam?" he called out, his voice rough with sleep before his eyes widened when he didn't feel the dog around him. He went to the bedroom where he heard Namjoon yelling and let out a soft giggle as he looked at the pillow stuffing all over the floor.

Namjoon looked back at Jungkook and raised his eyebrow. "You think this is funny? Where the hell did this dog come from?" he asked with a huff.

Jungkook picked the dog up and held him carefully. "I'll get it cleaned up don't worry. Isn't he cute though?" he smiled and held the dog up to Namjoon's face. He just got a slight grumble in return.

"You're not keeping the dog. No way." Namjoon said sternly as he started to pick up the fluff off the floor. Jungkook pouted softly. "But Nam. He was just laying in the alleyway. I can't put him back out there." he whined softly and hugged the dog close.

Jungkook was left unanswered as he watched Namjoon pick the stuffing up and shove into a bag. "I said no." Namjoon said after all the stuffing was picked up. That made Jungkook huff and stomp off to his bedroom like a teenager.

That night, Jungkook kept the dog in his room, feeding him some scraps from his dinner. He heard Namjoon talking to Taehyung on the phone and takes the chance to get some water for the dog. As he carried the bowl of water to his room, Namjoon walked out of his room and the boy froze.

"Kookie? What are you doing?" Namjoon asked and tilted his head a bit. Jungkook didn't know what to say. The dog limped out and over to Jungkook with a small whine.

Namjoon sighed and shook his head. "Didn't I say I don't want the dog here anymore?" he asked as he crossed his arms. Jungkook set the bowl down and sat on the floor as the dog drank the water. He didn't say anything, just sniffled as he pet the dog gently.

Namjoon frowned a bit as he watched them and crouched down, sighing. "You like the dog, don't you?" he asked and Jungkook nodded a bit. Namjoon shook his head. "If the dog chews up anything, pees on anything or bothers me, he's out. You're going to take care of him. Make sure he has food, water and goes outside."

Jungkook jumped up and hugged Namjoon tightly as he grinned. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" he giggled as Namjoon wrapped his arms around him tightly.

"Don't thank me. I just want to see you happy." Namjoon said and rubbed Jungkooks back gently. "I am happy. My day was really bad and then I found the dog and I got happy." Jungkook said and sat back to pet the dog.

"I'm glad you're happy. Now put the dog out to Lee and go to bed. It's late." Namjoon said and rubbed Jungkooks shoulder as he stood up. He got a bottle of water and went back to his bedroom to go to bed.

The next morning, Jungkook woke up to hear Namjoon yelling and noticed his door was opened a bit. He jumped up and went out to the living room to see the couch cushion torn up and the fluff all over the living room. Namjoon glared at Jungkook as his nostrils flared.

"This better be picked up before I get back." He said and grabbed his jacket, leaving the apartment. He wasn't mad at Jungkook, he knew he was stubborn. But he had to take care of him and part of taking care of him was teaching him to be responsible about his actions.

While he was out, Namjoon bought a bed, a food and water bowl and some ropes for the dog. If Jungkook was happy with the dog then he was a welcomed part of the family. He just needed to be trained.

Needless to say, Lucky welcomed into the Bangtan family by all the boys. He was swapped around and stayed in each apartment a few days at a time and went on tour with them. He was dedicated as their service dog for when they got too stressed or anxious.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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