~Dustin Henderson

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A/N; C'mon who doesn't love this adorable bean? also i got some ideas for future imagines and preferences ;)

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ready or not, here i come!"

"Ugh, i can't have Dustin get me, it'll be the 3rd time in a row!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too. I don't know where to hide," I said, examining our surroundings.

I decided to hide behind a tree with a lot of branches, Lucas went the opposite direction of where i was hiding.

"Hey, Y/N," Mike said, startling me.

"Oh Jesus! You scared me," I chuckled, "How did you know i was here?"

"Shush, keep your voice down. Also i followed you because i didn't know where to hide," Mike said looking up at the tree.

"Oh right. Also please don't tell me you're gonna climb the tree," I replied, face palming.

"You're not the best tree climber, Mike,"

"Oh shut up, what would-," Mike stopped mid-sentence once he realized who he was talking to.

"Oh shit! Run!" Mike yelled.

Mike and I ran opposite directions, I had no idea where Dustin was and where I was running to.

"Why are you so fast, Y/N?" Dustin yelled, behind me.

"Why are you so slow?" I replied.

I kept running until i didn't hear footsteps behind me anymore more, i think i lost Dustin, I hid behind a tree to catch my breath. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Got you!" Dustin said picking me up and spinning us both in circles.

I laughed, "Aw c'mon how'd you find me?"

"Easy, i'm stealthy as a ninja," He smiled.

"That's Steve's line," I chuckle.

"I know." He replied.

"Where the hell are we?" I asked, looking at our surroundings.

"i have no freaking idea," He chuckled, "We have to look for the others because you're it now,"

I nodded my head and Dustin intertwined fingers with mine, we shared a glance, we both leaned in and-

"Hey love birds! Are we still playing?" Lucas asks.

I quickly pull away from Dustin's hand, "Y-Yeah, we were lost and couldn't find you guys," I replied.

"So you're kissing in the middle of the woods?" Lucas asks.

"N-No! I-It's not like that!" I say.

"Yeah, whatever,"

A/N; guys i really like this one, i think this is so cute

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