Chapter 1, a tournament of Nintendo allstars!?!?

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Mario awakes to a peaceful and beautiful morning, luigi knocks on his door "hey bro, you ready for breakfast?" Mario replies "yeah, i'lla be down in a second". Mario gets dressed and heads down stairs, before he starts to dig in to his bacon and eggs, he goes out to get the paper, but notices a letter in the mailbox. as he walks back inside, he begins to read the letter aloud, (ok so this part wont 100% work when written, but imagine instead of Mario reading the whole thing that the person reading it switches from Mario to the other characters, ok sorry back to the story) "Dear Mario Brothers, I am holding a tournament this week, and I would be oh so happy if you were to join us, I shall have the location at the bottom of this letter, if you win, I shall grant you what you desire most. Signed, Master Hand"

   luigi curiously asks "are you going?" Mario nods and replies with "of course, besides this sounds more fun then golf or go-karts! Ey luigi, you should come with, he did say Mario BROTHERS after all". after careful consideration luigi decides to join Mario to fight in this tournament, but they have no idea what they're in for.

    As the brothers show up to the location given to them on the letter, they find themselves in a mansion that seems more fit to be a hotel then a battle sight. They begin to enter the building, as they walk in they notice other, strange, competitors. In the room there is a fox, an assumed robot with an arm gun,  a child, 2 strange animal-like beasts, a buff guy, a boy in green, a pink ball, and strangely enough Yoshi is there too. before everyone even has a chance to converse, a voice from the speakers begins to speak, "hello, I am master hand, I'm sorry I cant be there in person, I'm currently in the middle of something, its quite taboo of me, I shall make up for my mistake tonight for dinner. *cough* anyway, you've all been entered in this tournament for the simple reason of you have enough skill and power to compete and stand a chance, now if you will go down the main hallway and walk to the left, you'll all find your rooms, those rooms shall be your living space for the next week or so, except for Luigi, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, and Ness, which all have there rooms down the hall to the right. in your rooms there is a letter explaining everything you need to know about this tournament. that is all for now, please enjoy your stay" the voice cuts out. "well that's just strange" says Falcon heading down the hall.


end of chapter 1, prepare for story and stuff next time, or maybe, idk maybe just more exposition, who knows.

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