Chapter 3: Girlfriend and Girl Friend

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As I heard Shawn's name being announced by my baes Superwoman and Sabrina Carpenter I left the dressing room since I cooled off from earlier. He started singing "There's nothing holding me back" a song he wrote for her.

His girlfriend.

He sings this song so passionately it breaks my heart.

I remember when he first got into music.
Shawn caught me singing alone in sixth grade.


"Hey, you sound pretty good."

"Thanks, but I'm nothing special."

"Well you're special to me." Shawn murmered under his breath.

"What was that?" I obviously heard it, but I wanted to hear those words loud and clear.


I was disappointed, but I let it slide as I tried to persuade him to sing.

"Ok, but only if you sing with me."

"Never met someone so eager for their ears to bleed." Shawn said half jokingly.

We sang fireworks by Katy Perry. Although Shawn had that weird voice changing phase, you could tell that he was going to be a great artist one day and I will support him in each step he takes.

When our voices mixed together it felt magical. In that moment I knew that he felt the same way towards me too.

At least that's what I thought until he got a girlfriend in highschool. She was a pretty brunette with blue eyes that came around after Shawn had his musical debut. Her name was Tina. Small and petite and beautiful. At first I thought Shawn got with her to make me jealous, so I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I pretended to be happy for the couple. After two weeks of them going out I figured that he liked her for real and decided to get out of the way.

"Why don't you want to hang with me anymore?" Shawn asked me. I had stopped eating lunch with him and sat with some acquaintances I know. 

"What do you mean? I just sat with other people for two days to give you and your new girlfriend some privacy."

"Well okay, but don't be gone for too long or I'll miss you." He told me before walking away.

"Don't let your girlfriend hear you say that." I yell at his back.

(End of Flashback)

He broke up with her a week after that. I kind of wondered if Tina was just a fling or Shawn's first attempt at love.

I don't know the answer to that, but I know he liked his current girlfriend, Victoria, much more  than Tina.

I snap out of my thoughts as someone tapped my shoulders. I turn to see Victoria. The thin, red head model turned actress.

"Hey sorry I'm late I woke up late." She says. Her makeup was perfectly done as always.  "My audition ran a little longer than expected. I had such a hard time pulling my fans off me." Veronica tells me as she is trying to elongate her small red dress. 

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to. Im sure Shawn will forgive you amyway. He always does." I tell her not taking my eyes off Shawnee as she stands right next to me watching the show.

"Your right. He is just such a sweetheart. I'm so lucky he chose me to love. He is so good booster for my career."

I didn't let her comment bother me. Its not the first time she says snarky remarks about their relationship. Though the first time Veronica let something slip someone went home with a black eye. I still have no regrets. #noregerts

After Shawn's performance he come towards our direction but his eyes were only on Veronica.

"I thought you weren't going to make it Vicky! I'm so glad you did though." Shawn cutely pulls her in for a hug and kisses her head.

"I would never do that to you on your special day.  I thought you knew me better than that. I mean we have been together for three months." Veronica or as Shawn calls her Vicky, assures him with her silky voice right before kissing him.

The only thing I can do is roll my eyes and look away. The emotion I usually feel around these two is annoyance, but something about this atmosphere made my heart ache.

I was the one here on time. I was the one who supported him all his career. I am the who knows him better than anyone and here I am third wheeling their relationship.

Sometimes we have moments were I think his feelings are mutual like earlier today, but right now I am feeling pretty hopeless.


Thank you to all my readers for making this story #48 in denial. I hope you keep on reading cuz I will start updating this story once a month. I started this story more than a year ago, so it was a pleasant surprise to see have a ribbon alongside it, so once again. I thank you all.

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