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➳ 3rd person
"you're lee minho?"
"ah yes, and you are?"
"we're here to tell you that your job offer is accepted"
"oh really? ah thank you so much~!"
"but one exception is that you have to work in japan for the next few months until our business moves to korea"
"o-oh. about how many months?"
"we are not certified yet and approved of how many months yet, but we estimated from around eleven months to a year"
"when do i start?"
"we will send you a letter and a ticket to japan, of course, but i think in around another week or so"
"can you make it two weeks? i have a boyfriend who's birthday is coming up soon and i want to spend time with him before i leave"
"of course then sir"
"ah~! thank you so much~!"
"no problem~!
⤿ one day before minho leaves, jisung's birthday ; september 15
"minmin~! do you know what day it is?" jisung asked and jumped onto minho's lap, getting comfortable.
"what day is it baby?" minho asked, pretending to not remember.
"stop joking around minho hyung!" jisung whined and hit minho on his arm.
"a-ah i'm sorry baby. it's your birthday of course~!" minho said and pecked jisung's lips.
"yay~! you remember" jisung said and leaned his head against minho's chest.
"of course i do. let's do whatever you want today" minho said and smiled.
"hyung! you've been spoiling me these pass few weeks" jisung whined.
"it's all for you" minho said and chuckled.
"but it's a waste of your money" jisung said and pouted.
"i'll spoil you as much as you want" minho whispered in jisung's ear.
jisung just giggled. he had no clue why minho was spending all this money for him. minho had a week left before he left. the letter was already sent to him and he already packed his stuff when jisung worked at the cafe and went to school.
"i got you a gift baby" minho said and gave him a box.
jisung smiled and unwrapped the gift, revealing minho's favorite stuffed animal.
"t-that's yours minmin" jisung said.
"you always hug it so i'll be yours since i don't hug it as much" minho said and smiled.
"minmin" jisung mumbled.
"i also got you this baby" minho said and handed him a small box.
minho opened it and it revealed a ring.
"a-are y-"
"it's a promise ring" minho said and slipped it on jisung's ring finger.
"are you leaving me?" jisung asked and sobbed.
"this was the point of the ring. wherever i go, i'll save you in my heart and that's a promise" minho said and wiped jisung's tears with his sweater sleeve.
"daddy is gonna leave me?" jisung asked and hit minho's chest.
"daddy?" minho asked.
"what made you call me that?" minho asked, flustered.
"w-well i had a d-dream-"
"and i told you to call me that?" minho asked and chuckled.
"it randomly comes out" jisung said and pouted.
"i'll be out for a few months baby" minho said and stood up, carrying jisung along with him.
"but i'm gonna be all alone" jisung whined.
"be a good boy for daddy while he's gone" minho whispered and kissed jisung.
"when are you leaving?" jisung asked.
"tomorrow" minho said.
"anDWaE~!" jisung yelled and clinged onto minho.
"baby you can't hold onto me forever" minho said and laughed at the clingy jisung.
"you won't leave me!" jisung yelled.
"you sound so possessive jisungie" minho said and chuckled.
"when are you leaving tomorrow?" jisung asked.
"at night baby" minho said.
minho lied. he was leaving when jisung had his afternoon classes. he didn't want jisung to feel more hurt than he already was.
"i'll get to give you the coffee and a goodbye before you leave. yay~" jisung said and pulled minho down onto the bed with him.
"aish . . . . . . . you're so cute. how am i gonna be away without missing you?" minho asked.
"hyung! remember to buy me plushies too! japan has cute stuffed animals" jisung said and snuggled his head into minho's chest, then admiring his ring.
"i will remember to. you like the ring baby?" minho asked.
"of course i do!" jisung said and smiled.
they ended up cuddling and watching movies for the whole day as their last day. once this day was over, minho would be gone for a year. he'll be gone before jisung could greet him a goodbye.