Chapter two

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Hello! Here is the second chapter for 'Love Me More.'

Enjoy! :3

Warning: Not Edited



My eyes widened, and I could hear my heart hammer against my chest.

Whatever happened to the agreement between werewolves and hunters? We agreed to keep peace between us! Fuck. What was happening?

"Charlie? Charlie!" I screamed. "Raven, Collie, Ellie; can anyone hear me!?"

The chaos in the club had somewhat died down, and as soon as the coast was clear, I bolted out of my hiding spot in search of the girls.

'Guys?' I mind linked.

I could hear faint murmurs, as I strained my ears against the noise of glass shards crunching beneath my feet.

I sighed in relief when I heard Ellie's raspy voice.

'Raine, thank god you're okay. I have Raven and Collie with me. We're outside, hiding in a bush that's behind the warehouse across from the party.'

'Okay, I'm so happy to hear from you. Are you okay? Is anyone hurt?' By this point, I had crouched behind a chair, listening intently.

'We - We're fine. But Raine, shit. Girl, we have to get out of here. It's crazy outside. We have to go back to our pack grounds, and let them know what's happening. Bring Charlie and meet us out here in five. We gotta get the hell out of here.' Ellie cut me off, and I swallowed back the lump of fear lodged in my throat. Her rank as the Beta's mate had leaked, making her order that much harder to ignore. This only meant things were real bad.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What have I done?

Standing up warily, my pace quickened with each step. Where the hell was Charlie?

"Charlie!" I half-yelled and half-whispered. Damn it.

"Charles, where are you? It's me, Raine."

All of a sudden, I heard a moan coming from my right. My breath quickened and I crept towards the one and only other sound in this room, besides me and the glass shards.

The moan got louder, and I winced at how painful it sounded.It only got worse with each step I took. But as I approached closer, the moan had completely stopped, the sound replaced by soft cries.

I stopped abruptly in front of a counter belonging to a bar. This was it. I took a deep breath and poked my head behind it, nervous from anticipation. "Charlie?"

She slowly rose her head to look up at me. Her blonde wavy curls were matted to her face from sweat, and her brown eyes screamed in absolute terror. They were puffy, red, and swollen, as if she had been crying for hours.

I released the breath I had been holding onto. "Charlie, you're okay!" I ran to embrace her, but stopped when she bit her lip, the tears in her eyes threatening to slip.

"Raine..." She whispered.

"Charlie, we have to get out of here. Ellie's with Raven and Collie. They're waiting for us outside."

"I -" Charlie's voice cracked, "I couldn't save him..."

She tentatively held a bloody palm out, and opened her clenched fist to reveal a small, diamond-shaped, silver bullet. Her hand shook and the more I looked at it, the news ever so slowly sunk into me.

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