Introduction | Hangul Alphabet System

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Introduction | Hangul Alphabet System

Welcome to your first lesson in learning the Korean language. 

The Korean script / alphabet is one of the most special languages in the world, it consists of one essentially special feature that would set it apart from most languages. 

In English we generally write from left to right hand side and generate words in that order, however in Korean, you would generate words in syllable blocks. 

A quick example of this would be the word thank you in Korean 고맙습니다 (komapsumnida) which in English would comprise of k-o-m-a-p-s-u-m-n-i-d-a whereas a Korean syllable block would generate ko-map-sum-ni-da.

English:  ㄱ ㅗ ㅁ ㅏ ㅂ ㅅ ㅡ ㅂ ㄴ ㅣ ㄷ

Korean: 고-맙-습-니-다 ------> 고맙습니다

Hangeul (한글, the Korean Alphabet) consists of forty letters. Twenty-one of these represent vowels (including dipthongs), and nineteen represents consonants. Twenty-four are basic, while the others are compounds of the basic letters.

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