iv. the focus

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Once again, I could not decide which POV to do for this scene so I did both! I hope you enjoy Loki's and Amora's view of this moment!


Her face seemed to steal all words and thoughts from him. The Silvertongue was rendered speechless as his mind struggled to compute the reality of her presence.

Loki could barely register the flicker of softness that passed over her impassive face, and, for a moment, he ached to draw her close and feel the familiar warmth of her embrace.

Then his mind came back into focus and kicked into its automatic, defensive mode. The smirk returned and he once again opened his mouth to greet her.

But before he could get a single word out, Amora held up a firm hand, effectively silencing him. "I am not here for bickering or banter, Loki."

She cast a quick glance down the hall before taking a few steps towards him and drawing her holopad from the bag slung over her shoulder.

"I am not technically supposed to be here," she added under her breath.

Loki almost jumped as she held the device near him but relaxed when it only pulled up a view of his bones and internal organs. Her eyes were analyzing the screen, allowing him time to analyze her just as intensely.

Physically, she had not changed aside from the lack of any obvious limp. Her uniform suggested a promotion to head healer. However, what struck him most was her demeanor.

Any other healer would cower away from Loki and the old Amora would fretfully worry over him, but this woman stood within arm's length with such a calculating mask that he could not fight the amused smile that creeped onto his face.

"Amora, are you defying a direct order from Odin," he teased, recalling Vanna's mention of the Allfather's words.

"I am fulfilling my duties as dungeon healer," she countered pointedly, before reaching out and pressed on his offending side.

The abrupt and sharp pain made him gasp for air and flinch away as his vision blurred. When the stars faded from his eyes, he saw her typing furiously on the holopad. Her brow creased by an intense frown.

"You still have three broken ribs," she muttered.

Upon catching his breath, Loki pressed on with his argument. "You would never have taken such a risk before."

"Well," she looked up and coolly met his eyes, "we have both changed, Loki."

Her comment only elicited a smile as he almost leaned forward to receive yet another barrage of rebukes. A small part of him was terrified of her words, but he snuffed it out. Inciting frustration was one of his favorite forms of entertainment, especially since being locked in a cell.

However, after a beat of silence, Amora's gaze went back down to her work. Loki almost huffed.

"Is that all?" he asked, "Do you have nothing else to say to me?"

With a sigh, Amora lowered the holopad to her side and looked up at him. "I have plenty to say to you, Loki. But what difference will my words make? You have already heard them a hundred times from other people."

He let out a short laugh. "So that's it?" his voice was low and taunting, "You're just giving up? I thought you were better than that."

"I am not giving up," she gritted out before taking a relaxing breath and continuing calmly, "I am letting go."

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