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I am so sorry that it is taken me this long to upload chapters, normally I am very good at getting the next chapter out for you guys. Life is just a bit crazy and I am trying to get my footing. Hopefully, soon I can fall back into ta easy upload routine like before. Anyways with that being said here is a new chapter for you all.

Now, I haven't had time to edit or comb through this chapter so if anything is confusing let me know so I can fix it!

Also! make sure you read the A/N I have a small announcement!


As I set up the shotgun to a clock I made sure the boy didn't wake up. If this was going to work then I had to be sure he didn't see me, it would fuck with his mind trying to piece together what is happening. The point is to stay in the shadows only using your voice, you also want to move around creating a pattern then change it. If they happen to break out then they can't find where you are standing.

This trick I am about to use I picked up from my father a while back when he was still running the business. The shotgun is wired to the clock and when the clock reaches the time you set, the gun will go off. When my father handed over the position to me, I modified the clock to make a loud clicking sound that imitates the gun going off. It's very similar to Russian roulette but instead of you pulling the trigger the clock does it.

You have to be creative when it comes to the shotgun, though, it's not like a revolver where you put one bullet and then spin the chamber. Once you cock a shotgun it's ready to fire right there and then.

Standing up I checked out my work making sure everything was set up right then I stepped back. One thing that O'Brian doesn't do is fuck around with exposure, the boy let out a snore telling he was heavily sedated before being brought in here. Shaking my head I knew this could go either way, he will wake up or remain asleep.

Bring my hand up I brought it down to his cheek, his head snapped to the left and hung over. Pulling my gun out from my back, I turned it around and use the butt to hit him and again. Nothing. Giving a small sneer, I grabbed a bucket of ice cold water and my hunting knife.

Rolling my neck a few times to loosen my muscles, I brought my arm driving the knife down into his leg. I pushed it down until I felt it hit the chair and pulled it out just as fast when he started to yell I threw the water on him. He went into a coughing fit trying to calm himself down. While I waited for him to stop coughing, I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed over my chest. About damn time he wakes up. I thought. Next time I should just shot him.

"What the fuck is this!" He yelled and tried to fight out the restraints. "Bone! You fucking bastard, what is your problem?"

I waited a few seconds before answering him because I wanted to see what else he had to say. We haven't even started and he was giving out information, if he was smart he should have kept his mouth shut until he knew where he was, stupid fuck didn't think.

"If I knew you were going to give out information this easy then I would have saved you the trouble." Christian went stiff upon hearing a French accent like mine, or like O'Brian's heavy one, after all, we were in the states. "You should learn to be more careful in this line of work. I also could have sworn I told you not to get involved in certain things because then people like me will take advantage of this."

"I don't know what you are talking about," He said. "I did nothing wrong."

Pushing off the wall I stood behind him. "If you fuck with what's mine then you either end up dead or in here," I said. "I don't give second chances, if you have been given a warning and you continue to go after what is mine, you end up dead. In this case, you touched what is mine."

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