1st place

214 13 9

You were currently with your best friends, Kiku and Alfred, at your own place. You had invited them over to study, you three would usually meet up to study together.

Although right now they were competing in a videogame while you were just watching. You couldn't help but to chuckle at the sudden changes in Kiku's expression. Alfred was always able to bring out the 'gamer' in Kiku and it was adorable.

You and Kiku had been dating for a couple of months now, and you loved seeing new sides of him.

You watched his face closely, his expression went from very focused at the current race going on in the game, to slightly panicked as he almost crashed, to near sparkling excitement when he crossed the finnish line in 1st place.

Alfred groaned because of the loss and dramatically fell backwards with the control in his hands covering his face.

"You're way too god at this man!" He exclaimed and Kiku looked the tiniest bit proud.

I giggled again. "Kiku you're too cute" I said with a bright smile.

He looked over at me and his face flushed at the sudden compliment. He seemed unsure about what to answer and just opened his mouth a little to close it again shortly after.

I giggled as and Alfred groaned again, probably thinking that we were too cheesy or something.


The sun was begining to set, colouring the sky orange and pink. The coloured light found its way into your apartment as you were saying goodbye to Alfred.

You asked Kiku to stay a little longer, you wanted to play the game with him once.

You were in the middle of a complicated jungle-like area, trying to catch up to Kiku who was way ahead of you. How was he so good at this??

You pouted as he crossed the finnish line, once again, in 1st place. You glanced over at him and a satisfied, proud, but barely visable, smirk covered his face.

Oh how you wanted to wipe that annoying smirk off of his face. Suddenly you got an idea.

"Heeey that's unfair Kiku! You're way too good at this! Let's go once more, please?" You begged.

He agreed after a moment and you two started again.
When he once again took 1st place in the race you smirked and put your plan into action.

You scooted closer to him and leaned on his shoulder. He seemed surprised at your sudden action, but kept focus on the screen. Although his cheeks were dusted pink.

You were not satisfied with this result so you chuckled a bit as you leaned towards slightly, still keeping your eyes on the screen.

You blew some air into his ear before he had the chance to wonder what you were doing.
"E- eh??" He yelped quietly and jerked his hand slightly, making his character smash into a wall. You giggled and drove your own character smoothly into the goal, 1st place.

You looked over at him and he was just staring at you, with a red face, mouth agape. You giggled at his face.

"Too cute.." You said and placed a small kiss on his lips, furthering his blush.

"Wha--" He was at loss for words.

Well now you knew how to win when playing games with him.

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