Poem 3

193 8 0

Oh, The Cruel World
By: TheGoddessOfTheStars

Her skin was bleeding
The blood was dripping
Pooling beneath her bare feet

She had been clean
She swore she was

But when the troubling thoughts
Came back to haunt her
She let them take over

They force her to push the blade
Against her beautiful skin

She's too fat
She's too skinny

She's an anorexic
She's bulimic

She wears too much makeup
Gross you can see her acne

The world wants everyone
To be perfect
Even when the world itself
Is as screwed up as we are

What more does it want?
Can it not see it's destroying itself
By destroying its population


You're beautiful.
You don't need to lose or gain weight.
You're imperfections are what make you perfectly perfect.

Poetry for the Pathetic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora