1. highschool

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Hey my name is Sarah. I am a nerd highschool girl. I don't have much friends. I only have Kate and Riley. They are nerds to.We love each other very much.

There is this one boy that I like.His name is Ryan.he has black hair. Dreamy blue eyes. He was perfect. He was the one for me.

              He doesn't seem to think so though. He is dating a girl named Bethany.She is SO pretty. Every body loves her. Except me and my friends. I say she knows I like Ryan.

She scares me. She says I scare her by my face. She said I am stupid and ugly. But I disagree. Ryan hates it when she's mean to me. Or my friends.

He told her the next time. She is mean to me or my friends. He is breaking up with her. And will never talk to her again. That would be amazing. Than I would get Ryan.

            Thanks for reading part 1 I hoped you liked it 😜😈

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